So I know I over reacted about being canceled on yesterday but come on first date in a year im aloud to freak out a bit... Anywho I wish I could read signs and what not that girls give you better cause a few sentences were exchanged between us a couple of days ago and they of course make me think one way but most...
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what the hell, indeed.
I fucking knew it, I knew it was to good to be true, why would a cute girl wanna go out with me. Well there goes any confidence I had in myself son of a bitch.
i will kick her in the shins. seriously.
I'M GOING ON A DATE I'M GONNA GO ON A DATE WOOOOOOOHOOOO!!!!! Im so stoked this is a big thing for me cause im horrible with just asking but I don't know this time I was like fuck it im going for the gold it was awesome I think it has something to do with the person and the chemistry that we had but ya...
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biggrin biggrin biggrin i'm so happy for you! kiss tongue
Well, that's cool. It'd be cooler if it was a date with me. B]
Are you fucking serious? Burger King just put on a commercial about getting rid of the whopper for a day... thats not the sad part the sad part is that the people in the commercial freaked the hell out like it was the end of the universe and the apocalypse was here seriously they were getting so pissed one lady even asked to see the...
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What you know about rockill? Picture of the most bad ass shirt ever that I own to come.
Windshield wipers are the dumbest things ever except for the whole keeping stuff off your windshield thing but ya they suck.
Have you ever said something to somebody and right after you say it you kind of wish you hadn't?

Well thats what I did at work today to a girl that I work with I kind of didn't want to say it but I need to be a dick sometimes im done getting stepped on I gotta take more confidence in myself too so its...
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Wikki wham wham wozzell

I got promoted on friday and it came out of nowhere seeing as they told me like a week and a half ago that I wasn't going to get the position, which I totally understand hell I've only been with BestBuy for 10 months, anyhow I got the spot so I will be working the same amount of hours doing pretty...
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conratulations! kiss
I need a new beginning

I need to experience this life

I need to know your there for me

I need to feel something more

I need a change of scenes

I need to know I'm wanted at more places than just my job

I need a new me

I need a new beginning
it's like you read my mind.
and yeah, me too.