hey, you took notice of me! thanks.
people can properly welcome you to the site now.
so... WELCOME!
get that work done, thats an order. you'll be glad you do. think of the huge amounts of cash you'll be earnin at the end of it. my girlfriend's gotta repeat a year cos she was too busy partyin to do her work.
why should you feel stupid for fancyin someone? that there be human instinct, unless he's a mong, then you'd be pretty silly.
anyways thats my buggin over with so s'lata hon.
oh, if you can you should come on down to the SG get together in london, check the boards or my bro, partiallyblind's member page . invite the fancy man too, you never know!
yeah surreal is the right word for it. we did cope.
so where the fuck do you hang out anyway? cause i would fucking love to see a good show. i came here cause of the music scene and so far i haven't seen almost anything.
people can properly welcome you to the site now.
so... WELCOME!
get that work done, thats an order. you'll be glad you do. think of the huge amounts of cash you'll be earnin at the end of it. my girlfriend's gotta repeat a year cos she was too busy partyin to do her work.
why should you feel stupid for fancyin someone? that there be human instinct, unless he's a mong, then you'd be pretty silly.
anyways thats my buggin over with so s'lata hon.
oh, if you can you should come on down to the SG get together in london, check the boards or my bro, partiallyblind's member page . invite the fancy man too, you never know!
so where the fuck do you hang out anyway? cause i would fucking love to see a good show. i came here cause of the music scene and so far i haven't seen almost anything.