Its a sad day indeed when your pour yourself a bowl of cereal only to open the fridge and find out theres no milk. T_T
Searched the town for Halloween costumes today. Did Halloween costumes get shitty this year? Or is it just me? I was invited to a costume party for this all hollows eve. As much as I love to dress up for things, I suck at it. I really want to go as an extravagant zombie pirate, complete with a skeletal zombie parrot that says "Bwaakk, Brainnnssss!!" or something like that lol.
Also if you haven't watched Porphyria's new video you Really need too. Its uber fucking hot! One minute and fifty one seconds of me not breathing. Her sexiness nearly killed me....
Searched the town for Halloween costumes today. Did Halloween costumes get shitty this year? Or is it just me? I was invited to a costume party for this all hollows eve. As much as I love to dress up for things, I suck at it. I really want to go as an extravagant zombie pirate, complete with a skeletal zombie parrot that says "Bwaakk, Brainnnssss!!" or something like that lol.
Also if you haven't watched Porphyria's new video you Really need too. Its uber fucking hot! One minute and fifty one seconds of me not breathing. Her sexiness nearly killed me....
Ill be in germany for about two weeks, i dont really know what i wanna over there but im hoping it turns out to be a lot of fun!