Why can't women just be friends? I guess I can't realy complain. But I met a few girls over the weekend, hung out with them all weekend. They're realy cool girls. We went out to some clubs and shit. i didn't show them any intent on getting in any of their pants. Now one of them is calling me non-stop, every time i sign into messenger she does too. It's getting annoying..the phone calls went from " give me a call back sometime" to " give me a call back, we need to talk". Dood, I got school and work to worry about, not to mention that i'm a fukin goal-oriented person. I aint got time right now for all the bullshit that goes along with a relationship. Why the fuck do these girls assume I'm hanging around just to get some ass. Is it fuked up that I just wanna be friends with girls who just happen to be hot????? This has fuckin happened to me before... meh. I'll never get you ladies....it's part of the fun i guess.
lol did you not know.....showing NO interest at all is worse than drooling and pawing all over a gal???
good luck *snickers*
i so agree about the ridiculous promotion of art regurgitation by the teachers at art schools - where do you go again? sheridan? OCAD? I'll guess OCAD - they're the worst for having their heads up their asses.
Bobby 5 - great! I saw the work from there - that's actually where I was planning to get my next tattoo (but now I don't want another anymore - all of a sudden I'm loving my skin in all its naturalness). anyways, get some pics of your sleeves up soon - what style is it - rockabilly, japanese, gothic, keltic...?