Me and the fuck-friend had our one year/eighteen month anniversary. one year of dating. eighteen months of fucking. smile. neither of us realised until about 23 hours into the day. smile. i'm making coffee. and a few other things. i work up to 50 hours per fortnight and receive in return up to just $100 less than i was working an 80 hour fortnight as a legal secretary. i work directly opposite a beautiful beach for between 5 and 7 hours per shift. i am saving to get my car fixed. should i say i have actually as of this, my third pay, commenced saving money to fix my car in relation to facial damage which occured following my lack of attention in an incident last may/june. i admit the root of my determination to finally deal with this is due to the fact that i had a stoner brainwave and decided how i'm going to finish my chest piece once my car's fixed. smile.
Hahaha, stoner brainwave, I've had something similar for my arm pieces. Kudos to you, grats 
