I went to As I Lay Dying on Sunday night. Mad fun. I got up on stage (virgin stage diver may I add) headbanged with Tim and stage dived a number of times because every time I jumped off the boys at the front kept putting me back on stage. It was sweet.
Foot is getting better. I don't really give a shit about the foot hey haha. Had a good time getting lost on Saturday night on the way to Mel's house. It was awesome to meet members I just wish I hadn't been feeling so sick or I most definately would have stayed longer and made better use of that spa.
My job is shit at the moment. I'm getting "talked to" about shit that is just shit and told to work harder (never mind the fact that this is currently work time hehe). I am a very reliable and hard worker. I never just call in sick. I only take sick leave when I am legitamately sick and I rarely take personal leave. I was late by half an hour last week for the first time ever in almost two years. I'm fucking hard working and am good as all fuck at what I do so pretty much feel like telling my boss to stick her "issues" hey. And as for the old mole that sits behind me and likes to go running to the boss to dob on me - don't even get me started.
Aargh but there is more. This is the perfect time for me to also give a bitching mention to how fucking poor i am at the moment. Legitamately have more expenses than income this month. It cost me $1800 to insure my car yes its a rally car but dude seriously. It's a further $500 to transfer the car into my name due in just over two weeks. My registration was due the Sunday just gone so I have another 14 days before my car is actually unregistered. And i'm getting beau a stripper for his 21st. I've already put the word out to his friends to get them to chuck in and get the boy crew together to help out and what not but at the same time now I have to definately go through with that expense because everyone knows about it and that is probably the only expense that i didn't actually have to go through with in order to meet my other expenses. Oh well - as long as she is hot with big boobs (and as long as the hat gets passed around the boys during the show to buy me a lap dance as a thank you for my work in arranging said entertainment) then it will be money well spent.
But anyways, hope you all had a good weekend and have some good plans for the upcoming extra-long one. I'm going to a 24th birthday beach party on friday, making a big batch of mull brownies on saturday and will hopefully spend a substancial period of the remaining weekend substancially high. \\
Foot is getting better. I don't really give a shit about the foot hey haha. Had a good time getting lost on Saturday night on the way to Mel's house. It was awesome to meet members I just wish I hadn't been feeling so sick or I most definately would have stayed longer and made better use of that spa.
My job is shit at the moment. I'm getting "talked to" about shit that is just shit and told to work harder (never mind the fact that this is currently work time hehe). I am a very reliable and hard worker. I never just call in sick. I only take sick leave when I am legitamately sick and I rarely take personal leave. I was late by half an hour last week for the first time ever in almost two years. I'm fucking hard working and am good as all fuck at what I do so pretty much feel like telling my boss to stick her "issues" hey. And as for the old mole that sits behind me and likes to go running to the boss to dob on me - don't even get me started.
Aargh but there is more. This is the perfect time for me to also give a bitching mention to how fucking poor i am at the moment. Legitamately have more expenses than income this month. It cost me $1800 to insure my car yes its a rally car but dude seriously. It's a further $500 to transfer the car into my name due in just over two weeks. My registration was due the Sunday just gone so I have another 14 days before my car is actually unregistered. And i'm getting beau a stripper for his 21st. I've already put the word out to his friends to get them to chuck in and get the boy crew together to help out and what not but at the same time now I have to definately go through with that expense because everyone knows about it and that is probably the only expense that i didn't actually have to go through with in order to meet my other expenses. Oh well - as long as she is hot with big boobs (and as long as the hat gets passed around the boys during the show to buy me a lap dance as a thank you for my work in arranging said entertainment) then it will be money well spent.
But anyways, hope you all had a good weekend and have some good plans for the upcoming extra-long one. I'm going to a 24th birthday beach party on friday, making a big batch of mull brownies on saturday and will hopefully spend a substancial period of the remaining weekend substancially high. \\
it's weirdo,drone,repetitive,noise and some silences
if you're still interested nearly 4 months after the fact
stay kooooool