i can remember being a kid and learning all the concepts that are so basic and come so naturally to me today. i remember learning about gravity in year one. i remember learning about friction in technology and enterprise in year three. i remember learning what a cloud was. i was really little and we were on a family holiday. i remember looking up into tke sky and saying i could see clouds not knowing wha tthey actually were and despite the sky being beautiful and bright and clear and blue. i remember learning to tie my shoes. i remember sitting in pre-primary one day and practising and practising until i got it because my teacher was talking about something boring. ha. the story of my schooling life. i remember arguing with my parents for what seemed like hours whyle they used an orange to help demonstrate the imposibility of walking off the edge of the earth. i remember arguing with my parents for what seemed like hours about how my dad must be older than my aunty because he was born in january and she was born in december and not understand that she was born the year before him. i remember the sex talk. i remember learning that people who are supposed to love you and look after you and make the best decisions for you don't always. and i remember learning that life doesn't care. and i remember learning that weed makes you feel happy and forget bad things. and i remember learning to protect myself. but more importantly i remember learning that separating myself from situations with the potential to cause me pain isn't worth missing out on life. i remember learning that i want to have faith in people. i like seeing the potential in people. and i remember learning that there are people in the world with different coloured skin to me and imagining blue and purple people. i remember the learning that if your comfortable it's probably because you're not living or learning or pushing yourself. i remember learning that comfort is the enemy of growth and experience. i remember sitting in year two and telling my friend that i thought i would like to smoke when i grew up. and i remember the feeling of realising that i never want to stop learning in my life. i love life. it's what you make it. it's all you have. the end of my reminiscing. xx
Beautiful words hun, not to mention similarly sentimental for myself. Thanks for the nostalgia trip
absolutely beautiful blog. It's definately a talent being able to see life in this way. Thanksfor accepting my friends request as well.