Holy crap...super busy! I added some new pics of my boy <3 & some other shit. I went to the SG show for my B-Day. Good times...! Well, I hope everyone's having a great weekend.
Bad day at work. Why are people so goddamn catty? I understand you can't be nice all the time, but at least say sorry after being a cold-hearted bitch. Oh well tomorrow's another day & I'm getting my tattoo finished Saturday!
Wow... it's been awhile guys. So, much going on in life. My madre got evicted & I had to move her whole house pretty much on my own, my friend was diagnosed with a fatal cancer, my other friend miscarried, one of my dogs got sick, & it's been unbearably HOT! Phew. I'm pretty tired now. Things are getting better now & life's getting back... Read More
Tonight I went out to dinner with some folks I hadn't seen for awhile. We all got together at Yamo Yamo. I thought there were just going to be 5 of us, but, I was wrong! There was a herd... & they just kept coming! The place closes at 10:00pm & people kept showing up well after. I felt so bad for the owners &... Read More
you shouldn't have to try to be hardcore you just end up being an asshole. Come to think of it - people who think of themselves as hardcore pretty much aren't. " i wouldn't front the scene if you paid me"
So, I think I've decided what I want to be when I grow up. A MUTHA FUCKA DOG TRAINER ! I know it sounds silly, but I really like dealing with those problem dogs & I'd like to get better at it. I found a very highly credited academy in San Francisco. There are 2 problems though. 1. It costs $4,500 & 2. I wouldn't... Read More
Wow, I haven't been online for awhile.... A lot has happened, one thing being the start of my new chest piece! I'll have to put up some pics soon, but I'm too lazy right now. I will just tell ya all about it. It's like a sacred heart (you know burning heart) with roses& some vine like things. I love it! Kevin at Cold Steel... Read More
Wow, today is the slowest day ever! there is nothing to do, so, we have been crank calling petsmart & petco. I know "crank calling" ! I bored outta my skull . I also realized that I forgot my dog Pandora's 3 year birthday & I feel pretty bad about it. It's o.k. though because I went shopping for toys in our waiting room &... Read More
I got a fish tank & I possibly am getting a 2nd one? Now hopefully they won't die & I can get really pretty kewl fishies! Yippie.... Work is sooo slow. All I do is clean what's already clean as opposed to working with animal. I got a job offer at a dungeon (I might possibly become a Dom)! They'd train me & I'd make... Read More