The tickets didnt come through, but I think that I am going to boston anyway to hang out outside the club.
I'd try to get in without a ticket, though. That's what I did for Atreyu/Unearth/Norma Jean/Scars of Tomorrow on Valentine's Day. When I got there it was ticket-only, but I (and the other hardcore kids that mattered) got in by the grace of God and the coolest bouncers in Deep Ellum. I didn't even have to pay! But that's no where near like trying to get into a big-name show where 1 band plays for 3-4 hour for a $80 nosebleed section ticket. You get the idea, though.
I feel so sad that I moved before Himsa filmed for their "You've Seen Too Much" dvd in Seattle.
Sick Of It All/Terror/Champion played 1Aug04, I moved 5Aug04, and the Himsa dvd shoot was 28Aug04 (I think). Graceland was sold out by mid-month, but if I would've stayed in Washington I would have been part of dvd.