Son of an owwwwwwwwww.
Stretching from 00g to 1/2 inch was quite a jump. I think I might have a blow out on my left ear but I won't know till the swelling goes down. I tried stretching in the shower to see if it would go easier. It wouldn't. But I have decided, 1/2 inch is as far as I'm going. ANy thing else would just look unnatural, because I'm too far already.
May be starting my rib piece tomorrow. Who really knows.
Whooo. Apnea gallery up.
Must look while I try to get these new o rings on without screaming in pain. Sleeping is going to suck I think.
Stretching from 00g to 1/2 inch was quite a jump. I think I might have a blow out on my left ear but I won't know till the swelling goes down. I tried stretching in the shower to see if it would go easier. It wouldn't. But I have decided, 1/2 inch is as far as I'm going. ANy thing else would just look unnatural, because I'm too far already.
May be starting my rib piece tomorrow. Who really knows.
Whooo. Apnea gallery up.
Must look while I try to get these new o rings on without screaming in pain. Sleeping is going to suck I think.
HEEEEEEEEEEEY, none of this steppin on rats stuff your scaring Ratty
aaargh update your page so I can make witty comments on it.