I had the baby Friday, March 26, at 8:54pm.
He weighed 8lbs 3oz and 20in long.
His name is Zane Logan and I love him to death. (Even though he keeps me up all the time)
I'll post a more detailed entry on the whole experience later.
They broke my water at 10pm and I was 2cm dilalated at the time and by 7pm I was 10cm and starting pushing labor. Oh and I ended up getting the epidural lol. And I still barely made it through it. It wasn't so bad until the pushing started. That was hard. And when he finally started coming out it burned SO bad!! I got his head out and I just couldn't keep going. The doctor had to pretty much pull him the rest of the way out of me. It scared me because he came out purple and not moving or breathing because he went through so much stress on the way out. I saw the doctor pull him out and he was all floppy and next thing I know there's five ICU nurses working on him!! I was terrified but then he started crying and I knew he was alive and they told me he was ok =]
I never knew it was possible to love someone so much. Exspecially someone so small!!
More later.
And to all the messages in my inbox, I will get to you soon hopefuly =]
He weighed 8lbs 3oz and 20in long.
His name is Zane Logan and I love him to death. (Even though he keeps me up all the time)
I'll post a more detailed entry on the whole experience later.
They broke my water at 10pm and I was 2cm dilalated at the time and by 7pm I was 10cm and starting pushing labor. Oh and I ended up getting the epidural lol. And I still barely made it through it. It wasn't so bad until the pushing started. That was hard. And when he finally started coming out it burned SO bad!! I got his head out and I just couldn't keep going. The doctor had to pretty much pull him the rest of the way out of me. It scared me because he came out purple and not moving or breathing because he went through so much stress on the way out. I saw the doctor pull him out and he was all floppy and next thing I know there's five ICU nurses working on him!! I was terrified but then he started crying and I knew he was alive and they told me he was ok =]
I never knew it was possible to love someone so much. Exspecially someone so small!!
More later.
And to all the messages in my inbox, I will get to you soon hopefuly =]
aww that's wonderful.. congratulations girl! what an amazing thing it is.. i haven't had children but i was there all through my neice's birth.. i can imagine the love