What can i acctually say.......Not much is happening but yet once again it is...Skateboarding is going crazy and is back in complete full swing now that the weather has finally decided to be warm all the time..... I got a new TATTOO (pics soon) I will beon a plane June 7th heading out to WOODWARD SKATECAMP for 5 weeks that will be awesome .. its so fun to be paid for doing what you love ... no i am not working there i am a guest PRO or something like that hahaha but thatw ill be aweosme and i will be making enough money to catch up with all my bills SO i hope and buy this damn car ive been paying on BMW hahaha im gonna look like i have money driving that thing only will be really really poor...as always hahaa hope all my friends and everyone are having lots of fun and to all those still in college hope your finals went well and if today is your last final good luck.....

Why do I rock so fucking hard?
Good luck with this skate camp thing.
Which one are you going to? There's three listed on the site.