So I met this waitress...
And mind you, I don't pick up girls much. Actually, by "much" I mean "never."
I was out with some railroad buddies, and railroaders are as bad as sailors when you get them around women. Fortunately, as everyone has told me (including this waitress), I am a gentleman.
So I see this unbelievably hot waitress who is so charming and personable and charismatic that she is sitting down with each and every table in the place and having a full scale conversation with them, then moving on to serving and then going back to talk with each table. Someone should have given her some kind of award. When she sits down next to me I tell her very directly just what I told you all a moment ago -that she is incredibly charismatic and charming and I am impressed. She didn't hear me the first time...because I guess I was mumbling. HEY, if you are a guy and you are reading this, I dare you to meet a girl you really like and not mumble a little...
Anyway, so I have to repeat myself...which I did a little too loudly. Not like everyone heard, but the railroaders across from me did, and that was bad enough...Well, at least one was being very reasonable. The other was being a straight-up cock-blocking asshole. -As soon as she got up he told me that telling her that was "hella gay" (yeah, "hella" because I am Bay Area all the way -wanna make me say hella again?). Anyway, I turn to him and tell him that was the LEAST gay thing I had ever done (after all, I was talking to a woman, to begin with!!!). Later the waitress ignored me for a few rounds. Then she finally came back and sat next to me again. My friend across from me (not the cockblocker) helped me out by showing her a magazine (basically to keep her at the table). Yes, girls, this is how it works. Watch the masters...Don't act like you don't like that we have game and we know how to use it. I wasn't abusing my game privileges. I was using them for good.
So, while she is sitting down next to me I start making small talk with her while my other railroad friends get involved in some weird off-the wall conversation. I whisper a few sweet nothings to her and she tells me, "There is paper on the table, do you need a pen?" This got me standing at full attention...and yes, you know exactly what I mean.
I left her a message but somehow she didn't get it. I know you probably won't even read this far, so I am skipping a lot. Apparently the bus boy cleaned up my note and my railroading partner in crime across from me gave her HIS number as we left...Frankly I was exhausted having come from work and still filthy dirty with my work clothes on, covered with engine grease and creosote. I was thinking longingly of a warm bath and my bed at home, but somehow my friends were still talking so I stood around outside in the cold with them...So she texted my friend about half an hour after we left. Being losers or something we were still standing around on the street near the restaurant. She asked about the guy in the overalls (yes, that was me...I work on the railroad so I wear overalls...get over it). So she wanted to know if she had gotten my number or my friend's. He was kind enough to me and a good enough friend that he told her the guy with the overalls was standing next to him. Next thing I know she is rolling up to us on her bike, thigh high stockings and short shorts, hot as F$%K!!!! My eyes rolled back in my head to reveal sevens, as I just hit the jackpot.
Then she asked where to go. Oh, crap! It was the middle of the night. No cool places. We suggested a rooftop garden that the cockblocker actually had access to. So we tried to get to it, but the only access doors were locked. Then my hopes began to fade of making out with the hottest waitress I had ever seen. She said her goodbyes and I asked if she had my number, so she got it, then as she rode away on her bike I texted her that I hoped to see her again. She didn't miss a beat and texted back to ask if I wanted to come to her house to make out!!! I literally ran to my car, leaving my friends laughing behind me in the dust.
When I got there, I discovered that not only was she totally hot and totally charismatic, she was also a full-on musical sexpot. She had guitars everywhere. Even a uke! I am turned on to NO END by musician girls, and she was it to a TEE. So she asks if I want to play something. I muddle around on some halfway played songs I have written and finally sing a cover of an indie artist. She then asks if I want her to play. I say, "Please!" She busts out a song of her own in a growling Fiona Apple voice with a beautiful tone all her own. I wanted to go down on her immediately following her first full lyric. So hot it is to hear a beautiful girl who really knows how to play and sing...
So we head to her bed. I am not going to kiss and tell so much here. You know what happened. I am glad she was still able to walk afterwards. I didn't want to leave her paraplegic. I think it was a serious possibility though. I know it just isn't good form, but I had to tell her that if it was a turn on to her, I thought she was the hottest girl I had ever done that with. I wanted to immediately tattoo a photo of her on my Bone Ranger so I could always see her when I jerk off in the future.
Ahhh...So I left the next day. I didn't want to, but life goes on. I told her I was going away for the weekend but I wanted to see her the next week. I texted her sweet nothings for a the next day. So Sunday I am ready to come back from my weekend away, and I text her again. She doesn't respond. I wait a day and a half. Finally she sends a sloppily and hastily written text apologizing for taking so long to get back to me, and saying she found my shirt. I was starting to get a worried feeling. I am not a one night kind of guy. I asked her if she wanted to go do something with me (I gave her a few options) the next day. No reply. I waited a day. Finally I wrote her that I really wanted to see her again and I felt at a disadvantage because she already knew how I felt about her, and I didn't really know what was going on with her. She responded immediately with a kinda combative "Hey, I just got out of a really serious relationship and I just want to regain my independence" text...To which she added she just needed a few weeks to recover. So I said, okay, I understand. Fine...
So then I started thinking about it. She had asked me my full name. I wondered if she was Googling me. Just so that I could try to do something other than obsess about her and picture her naked, I looked her up online, and F%$K if she isn't a lead singer of not one but three local bands!!! Insanely good in her YouTube videos too. Now I am about to have to call the doctor to report that I have been fully erect for nearly a week...but I am trying to calm down and take it slow and play cool. I really want her, but I am starting to see this as a long term possibility. I am a musician (but I guess not on her level) and I respect and love female musicians. So, I look her up on Facebook. She is there and hot as ever. I friend her and I get an immediate response with her accepting. So I write her. No reply. I add a short anecdote, and wait a day. No reply. I am about to burst opened and fountain a shower of semen on the world, but she is just ignoring me.
Now I have to take an aside here and say I get it. I am not stupid. Sometimes girls aren't looking for anything serious. She just broke up with someone, wanted a fling. I get it. The thing is that there was no indication she didn't want to see me again. She was asking about me, wanting to know me, texting me. I ALSO just got out of a relationship. I never once said anything to her other than just that I wanted to see her again. I would have been happy to just talk more to her.
Okay, so finally she writes me back the following day and tells me an old friend who she has loved a long time just asked her out, and she has to pursue this because her "heart...blah, blah, blah" was with that or some shit. I wrote her back and thanked her for her honesty and her explanation. However, I had to stop and ask myself, WHEN did this guy ask her out and when did she decide not to write me back?! Then I remembered her saying she just needed to get on her feet from her break up and that she needed to "regain her independence." I texted her one last time to ask her if she really knows what she is doing with this guy...If it might just be a rebound thing. She didn't write me back, and I guess I didn't expect she would.
Over all, I guess I am supposed to be thanking my lucky stars I got to spend the night with one of the hottest and most talented people I have ever met. However, I am not. I want more. Maybe it is ambition, but I can't believe I don't have more to offer her than that. I am down with polyamory, down with being her guitar student even. I am even down to be her dog, as long as she promises to walk me around her bedroom on a leash. I don't get why some girls just cut guys out of their lives without anything to really base their decision on. Is her life really so full right now that an additional man wouldn't be worth it at all?!
I know, she made me weak. Seriously, I was dumbfounded to have found a woman with so many attractive qualities. I had to check myself though...I do know that no matter how cool her talents and her body were, she obviously has some conflicts going on in her head. She is not all there as a person. I know she is not top grade girlfriend material right now. All the same though, I would never bring someone home with me and then totally cut them off and not even want to talk to them. It seems unnecessarily harsh.
Any thoughts women? I can tell you that I am a strong and confident man, but when I meet a woman this caliber, I can get weak in the knees like anyone else. Other than being totally direct, as I tried to be, was there anything else I could have done?! Is it her fault? Does it seem right to have her turn this into a one night stand and never even talk to me again, despite that we clearly both connected and she was showing me every sign she wanted further contact at first? Personally I know I am enough of a man that I have more to show a girl than can be seen on a first date, even though I clearly must have shown her enough to satisfy...I just don't get the never wanting to see someone again after having a good time. She did nothing but compliment me. I'd see her again if I could, and I think she knows it. Sometimes maybe just the interest being unbalanced is a turn off I guess, but she said she was intimidated by me at first, so I just don't get where I lost her.
Let me know if you have ideas. I want next time, even if it is most likely to be with someone else, to be a definite wanting-to-see-me-again situation. I have never had any complaints in bed, and she clearly asked me to her bed, so I don't feel like I messed anything up in that area. I just want to know how to cement in a woman's mind that they can't let me go. I seem to be pretty good at winning women over initially. I am also excellent in keeping them long term (my average relationship is about four years). I just need to get better at the second stage. Do you think I am missing anything?!
And mind you, I don't pick up girls much. Actually, by "much" I mean "never."
I was out with some railroad buddies, and railroaders are as bad as sailors when you get them around women. Fortunately, as everyone has told me (including this waitress), I am a gentleman.
So I see this unbelievably hot waitress who is so charming and personable and charismatic that she is sitting down with each and every table in the place and having a full scale conversation with them, then moving on to serving and then going back to talk with each table. Someone should have given her some kind of award. When she sits down next to me I tell her very directly just what I told you all a moment ago -that she is incredibly charismatic and charming and I am impressed. She didn't hear me the first time...because I guess I was mumbling. HEY, if you are a guy and you are reading this, I dare you to meet a girl you really like and not mumble a little...
Anyway, so I have to repeat myself...which I did a little too loudly. Not like everyone heard, but the railroaders across from me did, and that was bad enough...Well, at least one was being very reasonable. The other was being a straight-up cock-blocking asshole. -As soon as she got up he told me that telling her that was "hella gay" (yeah, "hella" because I am Bay Area all the way -wanna make me say hella again?). Anyway, I turn to him and tell him that was the LEAST gay thing I had ever done (after all, I was talking to a woman, to begin with!!!). Later the waitress ignored me for a few rounds. Then she finally came back and sat next to me again. My friend across from me (not the cockblocker) helped me out by showing her a magazine (basically to keep her at the table). Yes, girls, this is how it works. Watch the masters...Don't act like you don't like that we have game and we know how to use it. I wasn't abusing my game privileges. I was using them for good.
So, while she is sitting down next to me I start making small talk with her while my other railroad friends get involved in some weird off-the wall conversation. I whisper a few sweet nothings to her and she tells me, "There is paper on the table, do you need a pen?" This got me standing at full attention...and yes, you know exactly what I mean.
I left her a message but somehow she didn't get it. I know you probably won't even read this far, so I am skipping a lot. Apparently the bus boy cleaned up my note and my railroading partner in crime across from me gave her HIS number as we left...Frankly I was exhausted having come from work and still filthy dirty with my work clothes on, covered with engine grease and creosote. I was thinking longingly of a warm bath and my bed at home, but somehow my friends were still talking so I stood around outside in the cold with them...So she texted my friend about half an hour after we left. Being losers or something we were still standing around on the street near the restaurant. She asked about the guy in the overalls (yes, that was me...I work on the railroad so I wear overalls...get over it). So she wanted to know if she had gotten my number or my friend's. He was kind enough to me and a good enough friend that he told her the guy with the overalls was standing next to him. Next thing I know she is rolling up to us on her bike, thigh high stockings and short shorts, hot as F$%K!!!! My eyes rolled back in my head to reveal sevens, as I just hit the jackpot.
Then she asked where to go. Oh, crap! It was the middle of the night. No cool places. We suggested a rooftop garden that the cockblocker actually had access to. So we tried to get to it, but the only access doors were locked. Then my hopes began to fade of making out with the hottest waitress I had ever seen. She said her goodbyes and I asked if she had my number, so she got it, then as she rode away on her bike I texted her that I hoped to see her again. She didn't miss a beat and texted back to ask if I wanted to come to her house to make out!!! I literally ran to my car, leaving my friends laughing behind me in the dust.
When I got there, I discovered that not only was she totally hot and totally charismatic, she was also a full-on musical sexpot. She had guitars everywhere. Even a uke! I am turned on to NO END by musician girls, and she was it to a TEE. So she asks if I want to play something. I muddle around on some halfway played songs I have written and finally sing a cover of an indie artist. She then asks if I want her to play. I say, "Please!" She busts out a song of her own in a growling Fiona Apple voice with a beautiful tone all her own. I wanted to go down on her immediately following her first full lyric. So hot it is to hear a beautiful girl who really knows how to play and sing...
So we head to her bed. I am not going to kiss and tell so much here. You know what happened. I am glad she was still able to walk afterwards. I didn't want to leave her paraplegic. I think it was a serious possibility though. I know it just isn't good form, but I had to tell her that if it was a turn on to her, I thought she was the hottest girl I had ever done that with. I wanted to immediately tattoo a photo of her on my Bone Ranger so I could always see her when I jerk off in the future.
Ahhh...So I left the next day. I didn't want to, but life goes on. I told her I was going away for the weekend but I wanted to see her the next week. I texted her sweet nothings for a the next day. So Sunday I am ready to come back from my weekend away, and I text her again. She doesn't respond. I wait a day and a half. Finally she sends a sloppily and hastily written text apologizing for taking so long to get back to me, and saying she found my shirt. I was starting to get a worried feeling. I am not a one night kind of guy. I asked her if she wanted to go do something with me (I gave her a few options) the next day. No reply. I waited a day. Finally I wrote her that I really wanted to see her again and I felt at a disadvantage because she already knew how I felt about her, and I didn't really know what was going on with her. She responded immediately with a kinda combative "Hey, I just got out of a really serious relationship and I just want to regain my independence" text...To which she added she just needed a few weeks to recover. So I said, okay, I understand. Fine...
So then I started thinking about it. She had asked me my full name. I wondered if she was Googling me. Just so that I could try to do something other than obsess about her and picture her naked, I looked her up online, and F%$K if she isn't a lead singer of not one but three local bands!!! Insanely good in her YouTube videos too. Now I am about to have to call the doctor to report that I have been fully erect for nearly a week...but I am trying to calm down and take it slow and play cool. I really want her, but I am starting to see this as a long term possibility. I am a musician (but I guess not on her level) and I respect and love female musicians. So, I look her up on Facebook. She is there and hot as ever. I friend her and I get an immediate response with her accepting. So I write her. No reply. I add a short anecdote, and wait a day. No reply. I am about to burst opened and fountain a shower of semen on the world, but she is just ignoring me.
Now I have to take an aside here and say I get it. I am not stupid. Sometimes girls aren't looking for anything serious. She just broke up with someone, wanted a fling. I get it. The thing is that there was no indication she didn't want to see me again. She was asking about me, wanting to know me, texting me. I ALSO just got out of a relationship. I never once said anything to her other than just that I wanted to see her again. I would have been happy to just talk more to her.
Okay, so finally she writes me back the following day and tells me an old friend who she has loved a long time just asked her out, and she has to pursue this because her "heart...blah, blah, blah" was with that or some shit. I wrote her back and thanked her for her honesty and her explanation. However, I had to stop and ask myself, WHEN did this guy ask her out and when did she decide not to write me back?! Then I remembered her saying she just needed to get on her feet from her break up and that she needed to "regain her independence." I texted her one last time to ask her if she really knows what she is doing with this guy...If it might just be a rebound thing. She didn't write me back, and I guess I didn't expect she would.
Over all, I guess I am supposed to be thanking my lucky stars I got to spend the night with one of the hottest and most talented people I have ever met. However, I am not. I want more. Maybe it is ambition, but I can't believe I don't have more to offer her than that. I am down with polyamory, down with being her guitar student even. I am even down to be her dog, as long as she promises to walk me around her bedroom on a leash. I don't get why some girls just cut guys out of their lives without anything to really base their decision on. Is her life really so full right now that an additional man wouldn't be worth it at all?!
I know, she made me weak. Seriously, I was dumbfounded to have found a woman with so many attractive qualities. I had to check myself though...I do know that no matter how cool her talents and her body were, she obviously has some conflicts going on in her head. She is not all there as a person. I know she is not top grade girlfriend material right now. All the same though, I would never bring someone home with me and then totally cut them off and not even want to talk to them. It seems unnecessarily harsh.
Any thoughts women? I can tell you that I am a strong and confident man, but when I meet a woman this caliber, I can get weak in the knees like anyone else. Other than being totally direct, as I tried to be, was there anything else I could have done?! Is it her fault? Does it seem right to have her turn this into a one night stand and never even talk to me again, despite that we clearly both connected and she was showing me every sign she wanted further contact at first? Personally I know I am enough of a man that I have more to show a girl than can be seen on a first date, even though I clearly must have shown her enough to satisfy...I just don't get the never wanting to see someone again after having a good time. She did nothing but compliment me. I'd see her again if I could, and I think she knows it. Sometimes maybe just the interest being unbalanced is a turn off I guess, but she said she was intimidated by me at first, so I just don't get where I lost her.
Let me know if you have ideas. I want next time, even if it is most likely to be with someone else, to be a definite wanting-to-see-me-again situation. I have never had any complaints in bed, and she clearly asked me to her bed, so I don't feel like I messed anything up in that area. I just want to know how to cement in a woman's mind that they can't let me go. I seem to be pretty good at winning women over initially. I am also excellent in keeping them long term (my average relationship is about four years). I just need to get better at the second stage. Do you think I am missing anything?!

I don't know what you're refferring to about the new site limiting anything.... those were just photos I uploaded for fun - not a set..
No, Trebble, just the way the site has made finding some things awkward (not just because I am not used to it yet, but legitimately hard to find) and there seem to be no more hopeful sets or member review sets, and everything that I feel really WORKED about the old site is absent now. A lot of people are annoyed and I think it is justified. Everything is too "in your face" with this site now, and it is actually hard to get lost a little. Much of the feeling of the site is gone and I won't pretend I like it. I am giving it a chance, but I may well not renew.