I'm feeling stressed out as the summer wanes, but thank God that around here the sun is out again. It was beginning to feel like Fall was eclipsing Summer at an alarming pace. I am going to some Hot Springs up in Northern California to relax. I have a list of about ten major things I have to accomplish in the next month, none of which I want to do...but all of which will just be helpful if I just force myself to do them.
Do you know how sometimes you can just coast happily along in life, and other times you get this horrible sinking feeling about what you have to do?! That is what is up with me. I have a car that is falling apart, even though it is too much of an investment to let go, and I have a storage I have to clear out -which I look forward to doing, but it is going to be such a pain in the ass I can't get myself motivated to do it. I would love to have one less thing to worry about as far as rent, but clearing out a storage just doesn't seem to ever be something I want to spend my day doing. I am not a drinker, but at times I wish I could just get blindingly drunk and push myself to do things I don't want to -you know?! I am a rebel by nature and when I don't want to do something it seems like it just doesn't get done...
incidentally, I have tried sparking conversations with my more "political" blogs and it doesn't seem to work, so I am hoping that by being a bit more accessible that I will attract more comments. I do like blogging, after all, but I am perhaps a bit effete when it comes to bringing forth ideas that garner comments. Why are some people so good at this? I blame context. Logically very attractive women can get more people to comment on their blogs, no matter how little they have to say, because they are lovely to look at and people logically want to be closer to them. I would...but the hard thing is overcoming that context barrier as a man with limited nude shots on this website. You know?
Do you know how sometimes you can just coast happily along in life, and other times you get this horrible sinking feeling about what you have to do?! That is what is up with me. I have a car that is falling apart, even though it is too much of an investment to let go, and I have a storage I have to clear out -which I look forward to doing, but it is going to be such a pain in the ass I can't get myself motivated to do it. I would love to have one less thing to worry about as far as rent, but clearing out a storage just doesn't seem to ever be something I want to spend my day doing. I am not a drinker, but at times I wish I could just get blindingly drunk and push myself to do things I don't want to -you know?! I am a rebel by nature and when I don't want to do something it seems like it just doesn't get done...
incidentally, I have tried sparking conversations with my more "political" blogs and it doesn't seem to work, so I am hoping that by being a bit more accessible that I will attract more comments. I do like blogging, after all, but I am perhaps a bit effete when it comes to bringing forth ideas that garner comments. Why are some people so good at this? I blame context. Logically very attractive women can get more people to comment on their blogs, no matter how little they have to say, because they are lovely to look at and people logically want to be closer to them. I would...but the hard thing is overcoming that context barrier as a man with limited nude shots on this website. You know?

Hey, thanks for the advice. I'll make sure I check those sites out. Not really a nudist but definitely looking to meet some easy going people. Don't really know a whole lot of people around the island
Aw, well Alameda has become a much more richie rich place than when I was a kid and the Navy was here. I kinda don't like how snobbish some people can be here -even to me, and my family has lived here three generations!! Let me just say that the best places to go out are probably the Swell Bar, Forbidden Island Tiki Lounge or Lost Weekend. I sound like I drink but I really don't very much. It just seems like these are some of the best social settings to meet people on the island. Otherwise there are a bunch of stuck up people down at the beach and at South Shore. It is hard to explain, but I just notice people are harder to get to know around here too, so it is not just you. Go to the Library too, because lots of interesting people have meetings there. When I go out in the Bay Area I almost never meet people from Alameda because they seem like they keep it to themselves or don't go out in the places I do...Maybe it is just me! You will probably do a better job!