I am against the subjectification of women. I must objectively state that I oppose subjectifying women in all cases! A woman should be seen objectively as the object she chooses to be. She should be afforded the right of making of herself whatever object she chooses. To subjectify women is to imply that only through a biased and warped perspective can a woman be attractive, or complete in and of themselves. I vehemently oppose such thinking. I will continue to objectify women by conclusively believing that a woman can objectively be purely and factually and scientifically beautiful -in an undeniable and all-encompassing way. Moreover, a woman can be objectively alluring, or objectively ingenious, or objectively talented, or objectively original. In essence, she can be what she chooses, all that she can achieve.
What is wrong with objectifying women? Absolutely nothing!
What is wrong with objectifying women? Absolutely nothing!
xsntt - thank you this cleaver post. Sometimes the best way to deal with a social problem is by turning it on it's head and exposing the ridiculous. The term "objectification" has become rhetoric. The problem with rhetoric is that it allows a concept to be accepted without being understood. People need to understand the social problem of objectification. I think your post is very intelligent and you have opened this "subject" for further discussion.
Thanks so much, Mach! I'm glad you understood my angle on the whole thing. Yeah, there are too many buzz words and phrases we are taught not to question. I feel like this whole site questions the media image of what is attractive...Why not question what it means to be attractive?!! Why not question why people cannot CHOOSE to objectify themselves?! Maybe that is what turns them on. It doesn't mean you are NOTHING MORE than an object; it simply means that you are proud and able to enjoy being able to be seen from that perspective. Personally I LOVE it when my girlfriend objectifies me. I would like nothing more than to be the object of her desire. I don't want her thinking it is a subjective love she has for me. We are objectively best for each other!!!