Alright, I am BACK!!!
I didn't feel right without a creative sexual outlet in my life. What makes this site NOT Facebook (corporate sell-out pigs that they are) is that we can be OURSELVES here. We can be proud of what makes us real people here, and ALL of what makes us who we are. I am not shy about my body or my sexuality, and I am an adult, so really I see no reason to omit details of my sexuality or my body when being myself in the world. Also, I think that deliberately cutting my sexuality out of my social life is injuring me as a person. I am not a full person without my sexuality, and more importantly, I feel that my sexuality is one of the things I am most eager to explore in the world. So many people feel uncomfortable being opened about their sexuality. I am not a pervert, but I have a different philosophy about sexuality than the general public seems to. I think we have become a very warped culture because we try to deny sex -even though it is part of every one of our lives. You could say, "Oh, it just doesn't need to be talked about in public," but what if I said that exact same thing about religion, or science, or what you like to read about in the news. Honestly, we should all be able to discuss sex publicly, and THIS SITE is a start of something beautiful in that regard!!
I didn't feel right without a creative sexual outlet in my life. What makes this site NOT Facebook (corporate sell-out pigs that they are) is that we can be OURSELVES here. We can be proud of what makes us real people here, and ALL of what makes us who we are. I am not shy about my body or my sexuality, and I am an adult, so really I see no reason to omit details of my sexuality or my body when being myself in the world. Also, I think that deliberately cutting my sexuality out of my social life is injuring me as a person. I am not a full person without my sexuality, and more importantly, I feel that my sexuality is one of the things I am most eager to explore in the world. So many people feel uncomfortable being opened about their sexuality. I am not a pervert, but I have a different philosophy about sexuality than the general public seems to. I think we have become a very warped culture because we try to deny sex -even though it is part of every one of our lives. You could say, "Oh, it just doesn't need to be talked about in public," but what if I said that exact same thing about religion, or science, or what you like to read about in the news. Honestly, we should all be able to discuss sex publicly, and THIS SITE is a start of something beautiful in that regard!!

Wow! Of course, Clio!! You are a long time fav of mine!!! -And naturally you are stunning!!!

It's been a year and a half since I have been here, by the way!!