Hail, hail, the blog not read:
I have to admit I will most likely remain hidden in the cracks of this website, like so much shiny metal coinage in the spaces between the cushions on this lovely couch where naked beautiful women recline. I would like to meet others with my same interest and excitement over the ecstasy of women celebrating their own sexuality openly and without limitation for all the world to see. However, it seems this is not to be. Lacking the notoriety to become even a pariah I await, untempted, unbaited, here in my hole, coming out only to peep at this lovely scene or that, but never being seen. How is it this modern world can allow us to become so invisible? Why is interacting such a competition instead of a natural flow of events? In this online world we have to put on a show to be noticed. No one comes to your door to bother you on a Sunday morning about living a life "IN Christ." Online life is harsh and cold and lonely for those who find themselves in the perpetual winter of anonymity. We have grown too big as a society for our own humanity. Each cell of this body culture cries out for its wants.
Hail, hail the blog not read.
I have to admit I will most likely remain hidden in the cracks of this website, like so much shiny metal coinage in the spaces between the cushions on this lovely couch where naked beautiful women recline. I would like to meet others with my same interest and excitement over the ecstasy of women celebrating their own sexuality openly and without limitation for all the world to see. However, it seems this is not to be. Lacking the notoriety to become even a pariah I await, untempted, unbaited, here in my hole, coming out only to peep at this lovely scene or that, but never being seen. How is it this modern world can allow us to become so invisible? Why is interacting such a competition instead of a natural flow of events? In this online world we have to put on a show to be noticed. No one comes to your door to bother you on a Sunday morning about living a life "IN Christ." Online life is harsh and cold and lonely for those who find themselves in the perpetual winter of anonymity. We have grown too big as a society for our own humanity. Each cell of this body culture cries out for its wants.
Hail, hail the blog not read.

It is with great thanks that I celebrate this blog no longer being the blog not read, and what an unexpected pleasure that is be read by so lovely and feeling a person as yourself!!
Thank you!