well drank a little too much last night, I'm sure some of you know. Sorry for kidnapping and molesting your girlfriend Gonzoe I haven't seen her in a while. Man I love Abby! Now I am destined to clean my apartment... and who thought I wasn't domestic? my sis and Scott both live here right now and as frightening as it is I am by far the most domestic out of all of them. The house has been yucky since I have been gone and because it is not my mess I have been waiting for tweedle dee and tweedle dumb to clean up after themselves.... ::::pause of silence waiting for hell to freeze over::::: needless to say I am aparently a fucking maid. Man this sucks!
however hanging out last night ruled.
and on that note I end this with a quote I hold dear to my heart
"I've had threesomes, I've had foursomes.... shit I'll do the whole audiance. I've had sex for clothes, I've had sex for money, shit...I'll have sex for McDonalds"
-13 year old girl from Maury Polvich show

however hanging out last night ruled.

and on that note I end this with a quote I hold dear to my heart
"I've had threesomes, I've had foursomes.... shit I'll do the whole audiance. I've had sex for clothes, I've had sex for money, shit...I'll have sex for McDonalds"
-13 year old girl from Maury Polvich show

next time hopefully i will be as drunk as you