grrrrr, I really hate boys sometimes. I hate relationships, I hate bullshit, and I hate boys. Unfortunitely however, I do like boys a whole lot and I am crazy about mine but he drives me crazy as well. I just wish he would not be so damn selfish and understand what he does and says and what I will not tolerate. I fear his addiction and I fear that it will ruin us. I have little to no tolerance for much but narcodics comming befor me is something that I have never handeled well. I don't think he sees that this is the case though, which I find most threatening. Finally, a boy who can keep my attention span and I have a whole new problem to deal with. There is no point in pretending that I can fix the problem because he doesn't even realize he has one. That is the problem.
you said it
the drugs come before you
i suggest you stop deceiving yourself before you get yourself hurt, cause that would really suck, and i think Batattak is right