isn't freedom of speech part of the constitution? i don't get it, you can go to war and be mangled and crippled at the age of 18, but you can't consent to put pictures of yourself tied up or covered in FAKE blood?
what the hell is happening to art? bondage for some people is almost a ritual thing, more religious than pornographic. and cosplay. if i was told i couldn't paint the subjects that i chose, well i'd have a fucking fit. it'd be an all out if it's war they want, it's war they'll get! lets give em hell girls.
rosie the riveter was a pin up during the world war, now let the pin ups join the fight against the war on us! it's time to fight for a cause that's worth fighting for. fuck oil, fuck weapons of mass destruction, fuck dying for a useless cause. write to your congressman about this so called war on porn.
what the hell is happening to art? bondage for some people is almost a ritual thing, more religious than pornographic. and cosplay. if i was told i couldn't paint the subjects that i chose, well i'd have a fucking fit. it'd be an all out if it's war they want, it's war they'll get! lets give em hell girls.
rosie the riveter was a pin up during the world war, now let the pin ups join the fight against the war on us! it's time to fight for a cause that's worth fighting for. fuck oil, fuck weapons of mass destruction, fuck dying for a useless cause. write to your congressman about this so called war on porn.
Ummm...perhaps you could explain more.

i'm afraid if i explain then i'll get booted from the'll have to check the posts...but for anything to be changed we'll all have to make up some sort of petition, put together a movement and take our argument to congress.