look, i'm not that hard to get along with if you like me and i like you. but what i don't like is when someone sticks their nose where it doesn't belong, especially if i've never once met that person. don't get me wrong, if i have a crisis and i post in a public blog i welcome all available suggestions and comments, but if we blatantly dislike each other and you open your mouth about a subject a) you know nothing about and b) i haven't personally talked about for months and c) it in no way concerned you....then why the hell should you say anything??? am i right?
if it's not clear what i mean, this situation involves my ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend posting a comment on my myspace blog about how i'm a "cheater." hate me if you want, but yes i cheated on my boyfriend and one point, and my ex boyfriend also. (there were many reasons for cheating on my ex...not that that's an excuse) but i told my boyfriend about it, and we hashed it out, and now we're over it. i've never met this girl, we've never talked, and she finds it amusing to stalk my myspace and make snarky remarks about my life as though she knows everything about me. now it's that just effing wonderful?
she also previously had the impression that i wanted to get back with my ex at some point because i called him to ask for my stuff back. i broke up with him, and i know he fed her some bullshit stories about what i was like. believe me, he has many reasons to dislike me, but he didn't seem to mind booty calling me about every friday and saturday night for three months after we broke up. we attempted the "just friends" thing, i tried to be nice. i was happy for him when he found this new girl, honestly and truly happy. but noooooo!
on top of that today, my former best friend bitches at me for not being able to travel from philly to boston for 2 days for her birthday...last time i checked this weekend was father's day. i also have to work, and when she came to my house when she was in the state she stayed for a whole 30 minutes and left because it wasn't her "scene." and that's a direct quote.
AND i was late for work today because my alarm didn't go off which ultimately resulted in a speeding ticket totalling $106.50 which the officer said was the "minimum fine." last i checked, the minimum fine was ZERO!
please excuse my ranting, but i'm pissed as hell, and now i have a headache.
if it's not clear what i mean, this situation involves my ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend posting a comment on my myspace blog about how i'm a "cheater." hate me if you want, but yes i cheated on my boyfriend and one point, and my ex boyfriend also. (there were many reasons for cheating on my ex...not that that's an excuse) but i told my boyfriend about it, and we hashed it out, and now we're over it. i've never met this girl, we've never talked, and she finds it amusing to stalk my myspace and make snarky remarks about my life as though she knows everything about me. now it's that just effing wonderful?
she also previously had the impression that i wanted to get back with my ex at some point because i called him to ask for my stuff back. i broke up with him, and i know he fed her some bullshit stories about what i was like. believe me, he has many reasons to dislike me, but he didn't seem to mind booty calling me about every friday and saturday night for three months after we broke up. we attempted the "just friends" thing, i tried to be nice. i was happy for him when he found this new girl, honestly and truly happy. but noooooo!
on top of that today, my former best friend bitches at me for not being able to travel from philly to boston for 2 days for her birthday...last time i checked this weekend was father's day. i also have to work, and when she came to my house when she was in the state she stayed for a whole 30 minutes and left because it wasn't her "scene." and that's a direct quote.
AND i was late for work today because my alarm didn't go off which ultimately resulted in a speeding ticket totalling $106.50 which the officer said was the "minimum fine." last i checked, the minimum fine was ZERO!
please excuse my ranting, but i'm pissed as hell, and now i have a headache.
