so i have returned to vegetarianism...well pescatarianism. i still eat fish. it's not because i don't feel bad for fish, but at least they still get to live in the ocean until you eat them. well, sometimes. and they don't have nerves. shut up! i like shrimp!!
anyhoo, my dad bought the coffee shop that i've been working at for the past two years. things seem to be going well, but we need more business! so spread the word mic friday nights, live bands saturday nights, art shows every second saturday and third wednesday. we have coffee, tea, lattes, smoothies, breakfast and lunch and more pierced and tattooed staff than your local hot topic! haha! plus you can come in and see me!! woo!
i went shopping today in the city, it was super hot out. i was gonna go swimming when i got home, but now it's thundering boo hoo. also, i finally gauged up again, a whopping 9/16" and still going.
oh, and i got lost in camden when trying to get home from ikea last night. not something i would like to do again. also, i didn't have any money for the toll so i actually had to drive around camden to find an atm. i went to the hospital for that. figured if i get shot at least i'm near a hospital!
anyhoo, my dad bought the coffee shop that i've been working at for the past two years. things seem to be going well, but we need more business! so spread the word mic friday nights, live bands saturday nights, art shows every second saturday and third wednesday. we have coffee, tea, lattes, smoothies, breakfast and lunch and more pierced and tattooed staff than your local hot topic! haha! plus you can come in and see me!! woo!
i went shopping today in the city, it was super hot out. i was gonna go swimming when i got home, but now it's thundering boo hoo. also, i finally gauged up again, a whopping 9/16" and still going.
oh, and i got lost in camden when trying to get home from ikea last night. not something i would like to do again. also, i didn't have any money for the toll so i actually had to drive around camden to find an atm. i went to the hospital for that. figured if i get shot at least i'm near a hospital!

missing ya.