Wow I need to really do something with this thing...anyways My B-day pasted so if you wanna wish me a belated bday by all means it was on the 7th so now Im the big 23 kinda weird how time goes by doesnt it? Also my friends B-days were this week and been drinking a little which is always a blast. heres some pics and a lovely video as well haha
Karaoke Night

Ryan and me shaking what our mothers gave us.
they totally took me off guard for this pic..i look like a dork
Amber the birthday girl having blowjobs (the drinks you sicko
Me the birthday girl and ryan looking at songs to sing
Oh I end up might going back to Iraq....soo that will suck bad seeing how Im already behind in school as is I'm never going to finish at that rate. We'll see what happens in the next month or so. =P short hair isnt for me

OH but some good news going to get my tats touched up and thinking of more ideas got to love my artist Dean is such a cool cat I really hope we can look up some things to fill in the rest of my right forearm then hopefully move up got to love tax season more money
Well its getting late boys/girls take care and hopefully I'll have some more news for you.
Karaoke Night

Ryan and me shaking what our mothers gave us.

they totally took me off guard for this pic..i look like a dork

Amber the birthday girl having blowjobs (the drinks you sicko

Me the birthday girl and ryan looking at songs to sing
Oh I end up might going back to Iraq....soo that will suck bad seeing how Im already behind in school as is I'm never going to finish at that rate. We'll see what happens in the next month or so. =P short hair isnt for me

OH but some good news going to get my tats touched up and thinking of more ideas got to love my artist Dean is such a cool cat I really hope we can look up some things to fill in the rest of my right forearm then hopefully move up got to love tax season more money

Well its getting late boys/girls take care and hopefully I'll have some more news for you.
Isn't everyone leaving there anyway? Stay here! Be a draft dodger, I will hide you in my cupboard!
You are hella cute in that video