WOW I keep on putting this off, Ambizzle keeps reminding me to update (thanks doll :heart
So I finally am.
Things have been CRAZY first me moving out FINALLY and of coarse more probs with my car....the check engine light was on and I ended up bitching at the dealer ship for all of 3 days. What happened is that the check engine light was on when I bought my car and they didn't do anything about it when I told them, when I paid off my car.
I pretty much told them to go fuck them selfs at they are paying all of it (which came out to be 750 for an 02 sensor) so I made them pay all of it but 100 bastards...and even worst the people who helped me looked like Steve-o from Jackass and the main guy off of The Shield.

Anyways also I just got back into college which I'm pretty much happy about I'm trying to Mayor in Radiology, yeah it's going to take me forever to start it....I'm pretty much almost where I left off after high school I have no idea why I put it off for so long. Sadly I did ALL the paper work on my bday....which was on the 7th. Lame and all I got was a book and a calender from my room mate but hey its all good
Now I'm 22 years young haha not bad seeing how I have awesome things like a paid off car and 42" plasma tv haha awesome 
sooo thats pretty much it for now I'll try to update MORE I promise...well here to college and another year!
ps I took new pics
I'll try and post them later on

Things have been CRAZY first me moving out FINALLY and of coarse more probs with my car....the check engine light was on and I ended up bitching at the dealer ship for all of 3 days. What happened is that the check engine light was on when I bought my car and they didn't do anything about it when I told them, when I paid off my car.
I pretty much told them to go fuck them selfs at they are paying all of it (which came out to be 750 for an 02 sensor) so I made them pay all of it but 100 bastards...and even worst the people who helped me looked like Steve-o from Jackass and the main guy off of The Shield.

Anyways also I just got back into college which I'm pretty much happy about I'm trying to Mayor in Radiology, yeah it's going to take me forever to start it....I'm pretty much almost where I left off after high school I have no idea why I put it off for so long. Sadly I did ALL the paper work on my bday....which was on the 7th. Lame and all I got was a book and a calender from my room mate but hey its all good

sooo thats pretty much it for now I'll try to update MORE I promise...well here to college and another year!

ps I took new pics

i didnt see any new pics. i hope school is going good for you!