Saturday was a strange day.
First off while checking to see when the fright night (more on that later) was, I noticed it was the same Saturday so I had to choose fast if I wanted to go or not.
This was because I had a boardgame evening that same day too.
So I decided to go to both, the boardgame was from 17:00 till late but I had to go at 22:00 to be at time for the fright night.
So I managed to play 2 half games, one I took over from a player with tyrants of the Underdark(that's where the drow came from) and runebound ( and we were doing SO well in that one)
But as time was over I had to go to the train, here I was faced with 2 options again, take the slow stop train from the station I was at, or take another train to the central station and then go to Amsterdam from there.
I went with the latter.
Seeing how I had to go to the bathroom, and the high-speed train (their called Intercities) has working toilets, so I went into the cart next to where it was, and that cart always has the problem of bikes have precedence over sitting, so when two of those %^#$&$#%&*#$* On bikes came in I got up and walked to the cart with the toilet.
There I sat down where a guy offered me the seat next to him(not creepy as the seats he was on are the better seats, so I understood the gesture.)
I kindly declined (having a massive backpack stuffed with food and drinks on my back)
When I looked up as I saw a head turning my way. (I have a good peripheral vision because of .............reasons)
When I looked at the person who had turned their head, I realized I knew that person, and "knowing" as in I was aware of who they were, The person in question was a Dutch Model I kinda follow on Instagram (kinda as in my OCD-T tend to kick in with some people. And she is kinda like a celebrity know just kinda)
Now I would have loved to get up, smile, introduce myself (probably Sound like Gloria in moderFamily when she meets that soap opera star) But decided against it as things like this send my anxiety level through the roof (so high that it can be seen from the moon) And I have to say she looks so much better than in a lot of the pictures I have seen her model for.......
What do most people hate most in the cinema?
Yes, ok people calling on the phone telling where they are is annoying, but I was talking about people screaming and shouting at the movie screen.
What If I told you that is what Fright night is (used to be more accurately)and people pay money for it. Madness right?
The fright night is the remainder of the night of the bad taste (nacht van de wansmaak) this night used to be infamous, I mean in 1995 the crowd bombarded Director Stuart Gordon with big sized M&M's and while the guy was outside in the main hall dazed and confused at what happened, the crowd unleashed hell on his movie Castle Freak. (some even believe this news is what made the movie a kinda cult classic, but the verdict of that is still out) These nights were as bad taste as it could be, and it was a lovely thing because it was wrong for fun reasons, a guilty pleasure, a moment you could be a total jerk.
How jerkish are we talking, well until this year, whenever a female entered the screen the crowd (both men and women) would shout insults at her, the same happened when a man entered the screen. Then during the whole movie people would shout insults at the movie itself, making fun of plot holes or just stupid things or hammy acting. The would show bad movies, and i mean bad movies that were on that border of so bad it is good, to so bad it is actually you died and are in hell.
This year the insults were no longer allowed and the credo shifted from "just shout" to shout only what you would shout on the street.
also the movies changed, from the crap fest it was it turned to obscure movies, where we got two movies that did not fit the evening and its original theme.
You can judge me all you want about liking the fright night is a guilty pleasure for me.