Well, it's been fun. I'll be gone in a day or 3. I'll really miss portions of this place, and a number of the people. If you want to be able to keep in touch with me, drop me a line, and I'll give you an email addy.
Goes to show how smart I am... Thought it was March, turns out it dies in...
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Goes to show how smart I am... Thought it was March, turns out it dies in...
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I think so! :p
Going April 9th
Spent the last week in the hospital. Festival of suck.
Are you okay????????????????????

Are you okay????????????????????
I am glad you are out and feeling, hopefully, better! What a mess. You poor thing!
Do you have any plans for the weekend?? Thanks for the compliment on my hair btw.

It's 3am my time, and I can't sleep. I'm fucking exhausted, but my knees hurt so bad, I can't crash. Not sure why. If I'd done anything involving pressure changes, I'd say it's the bends, but that'd be a load of crap. I'm guessing that it's withdrawl from the vikes I've been taking for the back pain. (I cut out the vikes because I was...
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Thanks for the congratulations. 


The clusterfuck that is building a house should be complete in mid-late March. About that same time, my time here will end. RL has been kicking the shit out of me, so I've been ignoring the friends that I've made, and I don't really have time to be around. No sense in wasting cash on something that I'm not using anymore. It's been a fun...
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I just got back. Building a house sucks! We just did the remodeling...it was LONG and painful. Mostly done now though. Thanks for the comment the other day. You are so sweet!! Don't ignore me....I will hunt you down.

Tonight I drink to it not being stomach cancer, just 2 ulcers and one of the worse cases of gastritis that my GI has seen in years. (Of course, since I can't drink alcohol, caffeine, or carbonated liquids, I'm drinking water, but the feeling's still there. At least the water's chasing a pair of Vicodin.)
Thank you for the sweet comment on my set -- you flatter me! 

You'd think that for 600k, someone could manage to get a driveway right.
It's rough and the pix in question are 3 weeks old, but if you wanna see some pix of the new house, click here.
More to come in the next couple days. The wife's still building the site, but she's been busy as hell recently. Not to mention that building a website when you can't move your hands is kind of a pain in the...
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More to come in the next couple days. The wife's still building the site, but she's been busy as hell recently. Not to mention that building a website when you can't move your hands is kind of a pain in the...
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Been over a year and three rejected sets...not so lucky!
Link currently broken while the site is rebuilt.
i have walls. not only walls, but i have floors. it's cool to walk through a house as it's being built, knowing that you will be living there in 5 months.
otherwise, the real world sucks. too bad i find that i hafta be there most of the time.
otherwise, the real world sucks. too bad i find that i hafta be there most of the time.
finalized plans, digging starts on tuesday. the wife's outta the hosp. (yeah, she was in again, no comment.) lost a hundred grand thurs/fri. mixed month. well, 'tis the nature of reality. hope all is well with anyone stopping in.
happy birthday to me.
life's been kicking my ass for the last couple weeks, but on the plus side, the house plans are completely finalized, and we've laid down the 100k for the lot. it'll be done in late nov/early dec.
life's been kicking my ass for the last couple weeks, but on the plus side, the house plans are completely finalized, and we've laid down the 100k for the lot. it'll be done in late nov/early dec.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with the house. I can't wait to see pics when it is done.
Have a great day!!

Good luck with the house. I can't wait to see pics when it is done.
Have a great day!!

happy belated birthday, i hope it was wonderful for you.
if you care, i just posted the plans for the house, or at least the first floor ones. the basement ones are complete, but i didn't bother to scan them. we've approved everything, and they're converting these to bluebrints. they've also been sent out to bid, though initial estimates are abut $375k for the house (plus $100k for the land)
first pic of the to-be house posted in pix. just an empty lot now, but i'll put in incremental updates as things happen. i've got more pix of the lot as well, if anyone cares.
I see no picture of a house 

your comment was so incredibly sweet. i am speechless. thank you sweetheart.
you are the bestest.
you are the bestest.