I don't even know which way is up anymore. My ex started calling me again, and it feels nice to be sought after again. I took her out to lunch today. Jesus I'm still so indecisive. actually, its getting worse by the minute. I never know what I ought to be doing. Work gets more boring everyday... thank god tom is there to make it not so horrible. he sent himself all of those GIJoe PSA's and we watch them around 4 when everything starts winding down. Its a good way to finish out a day. I looked pretty hot today. Young moms were falling to the left and the right. Too bad I didn't have time to shave my ugly mug this morning. I'm wearing military goggles on my head. This weekend I went to worcester to visit my best friend from highschool. He's a real live geologist now, and he makes his own maps with satellites. His roommates are girls, and they're super boring and I want to bust their lips open. we BMX'd until the eggs and bacon caught up with us. breakfast + bicycles = dead. We also drove to this strange lake that you have to walk through this abandoned cemetary to get to... there were rope swings at three points around the lake and these really obscure forest paths to get to them.... we're gonna camp out in the little grave yard some night soon... and drink... and eat fish. dangerous rope swings with names like "big balls" = the best.
so who wants to join me on the wild ride that my life is turning into again?
itz or nips? if you don't know what I mean, go fuck yourself.
so who wants to join me on the wild ride that my life is turning into again?
itz or nips? if you don't know what I mean, go fuck yourself.
you will see me wed...i am back.
Sorry about not calling tonight, I went out with a few people from work. As for next Friday, I probably can't make it. I have to open the store the next day, and odds are I'm working at some point Friday. Stupid job. If it wasn't such a distance from home, I'd be up for it. Sorry.