i find it odd that im at this part of my life again. feeling really fucking depressed. was bout this time last year that i got suicidel adn drank myslef into a coma for like 3 days. not to proud of that. but im finding myself feeling similar to how i did then. not finding muchto look forward to. everyone i know keeps dumping all their drama on me and any time i try talking bout me they change the subject. the ex has been calling alot latley. been talking for hours at a time. prolbly all the keeps me semigoing right now. she nows i still care for her but wants nothing from me or to do with me. i told her ive been mulling over suicide again she kinda brushed it off. wanted to talk bout how shes done with dating for a while, evdn saying if she needs sex she knows she can get it. fucking ya...im kinda crying right now. im really sick of this shit and the permanet solution to the temporay problem is tempting me agian. what do i got to lose. no one will miss me. up the street not cross the road right. end o rant.