Anyways, so someone lost the lid to the bottle of wine. And decided to drink all 3 litres to herself. And ended up hammered and stuck on the ground. Everyone had pretty much left and her friends were leaving her. And I couldn't get her up. So I had to call 911.
I had to walk through the forest to retrieve the police and paramedics. And then we had a search helicopter guide us back in and out and she was fine, just wasted beyond reconciliation.
And I didn't get in any trouble because the cop said he was pissed that he had to wake up to come see what's going on. And said he can't charge me with waking him up, and he's too tired to care about anything else. so I always found it kind of funny how I threw like a small town Halloween version of project X, and got away with it too. Would totally go back and do it again.