15 days til my b-day wooohoo!
13 days til i get to go home and see my family. wooohoo!
I got in trouble for taking off so much at work but damn my family lives in a different state. And i have taken off maybe one weekend a month. Which isnt alot since they cut my hours and dont put me on the schedule for weekends that much anyway.
No great stories from work today. Not much happened yesterday. But today is Saturday and I'm closing, so there is bound to be some kind of something going down
What is the grossest leftover to heat up in the microwave?
13 days til i get to go home and see my family. wooohoo!
I got in trouble for taking off so much at work but damn my family lives in a different state. And i have taken off maybe one weekend a month. Which isnt alot since they cut my hours and dont put me on the schedule for weekends that much anyway.
No great stories from work today. Not much happened yesterday. But today is Saturday and I'm closing, so there is bound to be some kind of something going down
What is the grossest leftover to heat up in the microwave?
Edit: How the hell did I mange to spell "fries" so wrong?
[Edited on Jul 12, 2005 12:15PM]