Finish this sentence.
Give me all your__________________
Now most people would say money.
but when a customer came in and motioned for a pen and paper, he wrote those words paused for a minute.
Which by the way scared the living shit out of me.
He then finished the sentence with
Give me all your__________________
Now most people would say money.
but when a customer came in and motioned for a pen and paper, he wrote those words paused for a minute.
Which by the way scared the living shit out of me.
He then finished the sentence with
The customer was deaf which is why he was communicating via paper and pen.
Anyways, it was scary, I guess you had to be there.
I worked a double today and it was geigh.
I loathe the mall and every species that comes in. I choose the word species because im not sure all of these folk are human.
I got a free pretzel though, that was neat.
Tomorrow is inventory. that will take the cock.
Someone stole a superman necklace today.
I am jealous you got your hair to do a pin-up style, next time, I demand pictures.
Did you just work all wekend, or did you do anything fun?
I survived my SweatFest 2005 at the restaurant without passing out!