So, the computer was broke thats why i havent updated in awhile, but its fixed so there.
Shasta is my real name so for those of you who asked yeah thats it. I SWEAR MAKE ONE CRACK OR LAME POP JOKE AND I WILL DELETE YOUR ASS SOOOOOOOOOO FAST!!!!!!!!
In other news i hope Stefan fucking dies a horrible death. I went to Wal-mart today to buy crap ALONE. I have never been there alone. I had to buy groceries ALONE. Scary as fuck. Busy as hell. get done buying shit come outside and its pouring fucking rain! And i parked half way across the state. So, get to the car get the groceries loaded, then i have to go get gas. Never really done that. Get home and Stefan is on the front porch and just watches me carry in all of the bags in the house in the pouring fucking rain. Never once offers to help DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!! But he got his cause he fucking fell in the hallway! Bahahahahahahaha!
Oh and it was free sample day at the wonderful Wally-world. One of the delicious treats they were passing out was lettuce. FUCKING LETTUCE. We have all tasted lettuce why pass out a free sample of that shit.
Shasta is my real name so for those of you who asked yeah thats it. I SWEAR MAKE ONE CRACK OR LAME POP JOKE AND I WILL DELETE YOUR ASS SOOOOOOOOOO FAST!!!!!!!!
In other news i hope Stefan fucking dies a horrible death. I went to Wal-mart today to buy crap ALONE. I have never been there alone. I had to buy groceries ALONE. Scary as fuck. Busy as hell. get done buying shit come outside and its pouring fucking rain! And i parked half way across the state. So, get to the car get the groceries loaded, then i have to go get gas. Never really done that. Get home and Stefan is on the front porch and just watches me carry in all of the bags in the house in the pouring fucking rain. Never once offers to help DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!! But he got his cause he fucking fell in the hallway! Bahahahahahahaha!
Oh and it was free sample day at the wonderful Wally-world. One of the delicious treats they were passing out was lettuce. FUCKING LETTUCE. We have all tasted lettuce why pass out a free sample of that shit.
And fuck yeah Tank Girl.