So, I got this question deal in an e-mail from one of my friends who already knows all the answers but then SG Paige posted one. So, here i am posting it cause all the cool kids are doing it. You dont have to read all my answers, you are allowed to pick through and look at all the questions and answer involving sex.
And if you like you can feel it out too. WOW! wouldnt that be great. We could all get to know each other. How sweet.!
1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Epperly
2. Last person you kissed: Nick
3. Last words you said: I love you too, bye
4. Last song you sang: "Nerdy" PTW
5. Last person you hugged: Nick
6. Last thing you laughed at: Nick and whatever voice he was talking in last night.
8. What's in your CD player: I have three disc changer (rich bitch) so, Motley Crue, Taking Back Sunday, Poison the Well
9. What socks are you wearing: None
10. What's under your bed: the floor. Laptop, case for digi cam., shoes, and other random crap
11. Current status: alive and kicking?
12. Current taste: in what? skip this one
13. Current hair style: short black with pink highlites
14. Current clothes: pajamas
15. Current Job: retail whore at Suncoast
16. Current longing: see my friends and family back home in Oklahoma
17. Current desktop picture: two guns covered in blood, I dunno not mine
18. Current worry: that i have made nothing but wrong choices
19. Current hate: management at Suncoast
20. Story behind your username: no story
21. Current favorite article of clothing: my little black half sleeve sweater
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex:hands
23. Last CD that you bought: cant remember
24. Favorite place to be: the beach
25. Least favorite place: Shawnee
26. Time you wake up in the morning: 7 then go back to sleep and get up for good at 9
27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: drums
29. Current favorite word/saying: asshat
30. Favorite book: Memoirs of a Geisha
31. Favorite Movie: I have a lot
32. Favorite Song: "Nerdy" PTW
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: grandpa
35. Favorite day: Friday
36. Where do you want to go: Japan, or Greece
37. What is your career going to be: I will get back to you on this one
39. What kind of car will you have: Whatever fate gives me
41. A random lyric: She said dont, dont let it go to your head. boys like you are a dime a dozen.
42. Eye Color: blue
43. Hair Color: I forgot, brownish red maybe?
44. Righty or Lefty: lefty
45. Zodiac Sign: leo
46.Innie or Outtie: innie
47. Your heritage: Irish, and dutch
48. The shoes you wore today: leopard converse
49. Your hair: choppy, black with pink and a little on the Nikki Sixx side
50. Your weakness: I am a sucker for romance but not cheesy stuff
51. Your fears: someone cheating, being alone, riding in the car still makes me a little fearful, wrong decisions
52. Your dream: get everything i want
53. Your most recent secret? I dont keep secrets, they cause too much shit
54. Your thoughts first waking up: NOOOOOOOOOOO, dont wanna get up
55. The first feature you notice in the (your prefference here) sex: See my answer above to this same question .
56. Your bedtime: 11-ish
57. Your most missed companion: Darrick
58. Your perfect pizza: EVERYTHING except anchovies
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: sweet & chewy
60. Single or group dates: single, who do you think I am
61. Dogs or Cats: dogs
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
64. Cappuccino or coffee?:neither really
65. Smoke: nope, did but not anymore though
66. Curse: Fuck yeah i curse
67. Sing: I dont think you can call what i do singing
68. Take a shower everyday: Yeah most of the time unless i am just way too lazy
69. Have a crush: maybe a couple
71. Think you've been in love: Yes
72. Want to go to college: been and dropped out GO ME!
73. Want more than what you' got: in certain areas HELL YES!
74. Want to get married: only if there is someone out there who can convince me to do it and for the right reasons.
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys:Yes, working in an office and taking two years of typing will do that to you.
76. Think you're attractive: depends on what im wearing and how i feel
77. Think you're a health freak: I wish i was and sometimes i pretend i am because i have organic hand lotion and sometimes take vitamins.
78. Get along with your parents: HA!
79. Play an instrument:clarinet, a little guitar, and i rock the piano
IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. drink: yes
81. Smoke:no
82. Done a drug:no
83. Made Out: yes
84. Go on a date: not really
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, too poor for Oreos
86. Eaten sushi: no
87. Been dumped: no, i dumped them
88. Made homemade cookies: yes
89. Been in love: yes, if what i think is love is what it is
90. Gone skinny dipping: not in the past three months but have
91. Dyed your hair: yes
92. Stolen anything: yes, they fucking owe me anyway
93. Had too much to drink: too many times that has been the case
94. Been caught cheating: I dont cheat
95. Been called a tease: yes
96. Gotten beaten up: not really, but have been in some pretty even matched fights.
97. Changed who you were to fit in: Fuck no
98. Cried at something beautiful: no, but i have cried
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need? hello! purses and fucking shoes
100. Cried when someone died: Yes
Oh , and i changed my damn username cause it was too hard for people to type all that x blah blah x shit, so there. Im gonna confuse all of you.

1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Epperly
2. Last person you kissed: Nick
3. Last words you said: I love you too, bye
4. Last song you sang: "Nerdy" PTW
5. Last person you hugged: Nick
6. Last thing you laughed at: Nick and whatever voice he was talking in last night.
8. What's in your CD player: I have three disc changer (rich bitch) so, Motley Crue, Taking Back Sunday, Poison the Well
9. What socks are you wearing: None
10. What's under your bed: the floor. Laptop, case for digi cam., shoes, and other random crap
11. Current status: alive and kicking?
12. Current taste: in what? skip this one
13. Current hair style: short black with pink highlites
14. Current clothes: pajamas
15. Current Job: retail whore at Suncoast
16. Current longing: see my friends and family back home in Oklahoma
17. Current desktop picture: two guns covered in blood, I dunno not mine
18. Current worry: that i have made nothing but wrong choices
19. Current hate: management at Suncoast
20. Story behind your username: no story
21. Current favorite article of clothing: my little black half sleeve sweater
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex:hands
23. Last CD that you bought: cant remember
24. Favorite place to be: the beach
25. Least favorite place: Shawnee
26. Time you wake up in the morning: 7 then go back to sleep and get up for good at 9
27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: drums
29. Current favorite word/saying: asshat
30. Favorite book: Memoirs of a Geisha
31. Favorite Movie: I have a lot
32. Favorite Song: "Nerdy" PTW
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: grandpa
35. Favorite day: Friday
36. Where do you want to go: Japan, or Greece
37. What is your career going to be: I will get back to you on this one
39. What kind of car will you have: Whatever fate gives me
41. A random lyric: She said dont, dont let it go to your head. boys like you are a dime a dozen.
42. Eye Color: blue
43. Hair Color: I forgot, brownish red maybe?
44. Righty or Lefty: lefty
45. Zodiac Sign: leo
46.Innie or Outtie: innie
47. Your heritage: Irish, and dutch
48. The shoes you wore today: leopard converse
49. Your hair: choppy, black with pink and a little on the Nikki Sixx side
50. Your weakness: I am a sucker for romance but not cheesy stuff
51. Your fears: someone cheating, being alone, riding in the car still makes me a little fearful, wrong decisions
52. Your dream: get everything i want
53. Your most recent secret? I dont keep secrets, they cause too much shit
54. Your thoughts first waking up: NOOOOOOOOOOO, dont wanna get up
55. The first feature you notice in the (your prefference here) sex: See my answer above to this same question .
56. Your bedtime: 11-ish
57. Your most missed companion: Darrick
58. Your perfect pizza: EVERYTHING except anchovies
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: sweet & chewy
60. Single or group dates: single, who do you think I am
61. Dogs or Cats: dogs
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
64. Cappuccino or coffee?:neither really
65. Smoke: nope, did but not anymore though
66. Curse: Fuck yeah i curse
67. Sing: I dont think you can call what i do singing
68. Take a shower everyday: Yeah most of the time unless i am just way too lazy
69. Have a crush: maybe a couple
71. Think you've been in love: Yes
72. Want to go to college: been and dropped out GO ME!
73. Want more than what you' got: in certain areas HELL YES!
74. Want to get married: only if there is someone out there who can convince me to do it and for the right reasons.
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys:Yes, working in an office and taking two years of typing will do that to you.
76. Think you're attractive: depends on what im wearing and how i feel
77. Think you're a health freak: I wish i was and sometimes i pretend i am because i have organic hand lotion and sometimes take vitamins.
78. Get along with your parents: HA!
79. Play an instrument:clarinet, a little guitar, and i rock the piano
IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. drink: yes
81. Smoke:no
82. Done a drug:no
83. Made Out: yes
84. Go on a date: not really
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, too poor for Oreos
86. Eaten sushi: no
87. Been dumped: no, i dumped them
88. Made homemade cookies: yes
89. Been in love: yes, if what i think is love is what it is
90. Gone skinny dipping: not in the past three months but have
91. Dyed your hair: yes
92. Stolen anything: yes, they fucking owe me anyway
93. Had too much to drink: too many times that has been the case
94. Been caught cheating: I dont cheat
95. Been called a tease: yes
96. Gotten beaten up: not really, but have been in some pretty even matched fights.
97. Changed who you were to fit in: Fuck no
98. Cried at something beautiful: no, but i have cried
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need? hello! purses and fucking shoes
100. Cried when someone died: Yes
Oh , and i changed my damn username cause it was too hard for people to type all that x blah blah x shit, so there. Im gonna confuse all of you.

2. Last person you kissed: Heather
3. Last words you said: "beautiful!"
4. Last song you sang: Blood and Tears- Danzig
5. Last person you hugged: My mom
6. Last thing you laughed at: Triumph the insult comic dog
8. What's in your CD player: Very Proud of Ya- AFI
9. What socks are you wearing: Argyle
10. What's under your bed: Practice amp
11. Current status: Bewildered
12. Current taste: in what? Swiss Cheese
13. Current hair style: #3 all over
14. Current clothes: Dickies and a button down
15. Current Job: Shipping Manager
16. Current longing: To bang Mariah Carey
17. Current desktop picture: Sea Turtle
18. Current worry: That I won't get into school
19. Current hate: Posers
20. Story behind your username: When a man and a woman love eachother very much th... nevermind.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: Etnies hoodie
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: eyes
23. Last CD that you bought: Mastadon- Levathian
24. Favorite place to be: divey bars
25. Least favorite place: Fort Myers, FL
26. Time you wake up in the morning: 7 then go back to sleep and get up for good at 9 (ME TOO!)
27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: Trombone
29. Current favorite word/saying: Garbage, when refering to genetalia
30. Favorite book: Anything by Jean Shepard
31. Favorite Movie: Boondock Saints or Shaun of the Dead
32. Favorite Song: You- Bad Religion
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: eh, i'd have to think about it.
35. Favorite day: 15th and last of the month
36. Where do you want to go: Russia
37. What is your career going to be: Photojournalist
39. What kind of car will you have: 1975 Datsun 240z
41. A random lyric: "94 hours of regret, for me to realize what I had."
42. Eye Color: Brown
43. Hair Color: Black
44. Righty or Lefty: righty
45. Zodiac Sign: Pisces
46.Innie or Outtie: innie
47. Your heritage: Irish, and Indian. Feathers, not dots.
48. The shoes you wore today: Jeremy Wray Adios
49. Your hair: Henry Rollins
50. Your weakness: Hardcore girls
51. Your fears: Not living up to my parents expectations
52. Your dream: Working for National Geographic
53. Your most recent secret? I took my 9 year old brother to a rated R movie.
54. Your thoughts first waking up: "Please let me make it to 5:30."
55. The first feature you notice in the (your prefference here) sex: "Is she wearing a bra?"
56. Your bedtime: After Conan
57. Your most missed companion: none
58. Your perfect pizza: Pepperoni and green olives, thin crust.
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: Salty and crunchy
60. Single or group dates: Single
61. Dogs or Cats: dogs
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
64. Cappuccino or coffee?: I don't drink either
65. Smoke: That shit will make you dead
66. Curse: As often as possible
67. Sing: in the shower
68. Take a shower everyday: Twice. Once in the morning, once after I work out in the afternoon.
69. Have a crush: indeed
71. Think you've been in love: no
72. Want to go to college: Not for any extended length of time
73. Want more than what you' got: Every day.
74. Want to get married: Yeah
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yeah, my 7th grade typing teacher was a nazi- shatze.
76. Think you're attractive: When I'm not, i tell myself I am anyway.
77. Think you're a health freak: No way.
78. Get along with your parents: Yeah
79. Play an instrument: Violin and Bass
IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. drink: yes
81. Smoke: no
82. Done a drug: no
83. Made Out: yes
84. Go on a date: no
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
86. Eaten sushi: Yes
87. Been dumped: no
88. Made homemade cookies: no
89. Been in love: no
90. Gone skinny dipping: no
91. Dyed your hair: yes
92. Stolen anything: no
93. Had too much to drink: the question should be, "have you ever stopped drinking before you passed out?".
94. Been caught cheating: I dont cheat
95. Been called a tease: Nope, i don't fuck around.
96. Gotten beaten up: Oh yeah.
97. Changed who you were to fit in: slightly
98. Cried at something beautiful: No
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need? I bought an XBOX so I could play "Colin Macrae rally 04".
100. Cried when someone died: Yes
oh, i'm back, so dont kill yourself.