I wish that I had something really entertaining to update with but Im all out of ammo.
Put the pink back in my hair last night. No pictures yet sorry.
just got back from Wal-mart which i hate. But not nearly as much as Nick hates it. I had to get my prescription filled. what was only supposed to take 15 minutes took more like 45 minutes.
Stefan brought over some crazy ass, loud, drunk chicks last night. they got here around 11:30 and didnt leave for like an hour and they didnt stop talking once.
I made pancakes this morning only to find out we didnt have any real syrup. All we had was some crazy lkadjaksgjs syrup. It tasted disgusting so I had to eat my panny cakes with peanut butter alone. No syrup.
Nick bought a new shower head for the bathtub. The old one comes right up to my neck. So it hits right around the belly button. So, its a pain in the ass trying to take a shower. Hopefully, Stefan doesnt break this. So, far he has broken the door to our apartment, the dishwasher, and the hot water knob to our shower. We have only lived in these apartments two months.
Put the pink back in my hair last night. No pictures yet sorry.
just got back from Wal-mart which i hate. But not nearly as much as Nick hates it. I had to get my prescription filled. what was only supposed to take 15 minutes took more like 45 minutes.
Stefan brought over some crazy ass, loud, drunk chicks last night. they got here around 11:30 and didnt leave for like an hour and they didnt stop talking once.
I made pancakes this morning only to find out we didnt have any real syrup. All we had was some crazy lkadjaksgjs syrup. It tasted disgusting so I had to eat my panny cakes with peanut butter alone. No syrup.
Nick bought a new shower head for the bathtub. The old one comes right up to my neck. So it hits right around the belly button. So, its a pain in the ass trying to take a shower. Hopefully, Stefan doesnt break this. So, far he has broken the door to our apartment, the dishwasher, and the hot water knob to our shower. We have only lived in these apartments two months.
OO loud drunk chicks? really?
I havent had pancakes in a while.. its not one of my favorite foods, but i can only eat them with syrup. i guess im picky.
We never went on any cool field trips when i was in school. I cant count how many times we went to the zoo.
I like the zoo, I would have rather gone to the zoo, then the stupid art center... imagine 50 kids (screaming), stuck in a small house?