So, yesterday was my very first day at work right? This is exactly how it went down. First, i get there me and the other new girl had to read this huge book on rebates and specials deals that Suncoast offers. After that it was my turn on the register. the minute i step up to the register these two guys walk up and toss their credit card at me. One of them is like "Yeah we are going to spend a $100. in here." then he proceeds to tell me that there is one catch i have to be there personal shopper.WTF? I look at my manager and she says, "Well, go with them" So, i did my best to help them find movies but they werent interested in movies i dont think. The one guy was like so "You have the most amazing eyes."
"How about taking your shirt off and showing us that tattoo." My manager heard this and told them that it was my first day and to take it easy on me. The minute she walked away they started in again. "You know you look like a mini Amy Lee." (chick from Evanescence) I hate that band.
BTW. Then they wanted me to go look at the porn area with them, i said i think you can handle that area on your own. They just laughed and asked if i had a boyfriend. I said, yes in fact he is working down at Spencers. The guy was like when are you going to break up with him and get with me, i give it a month. So, they kept up with this shit for like another 10 minutes and finally my manager came over and sent me to the back so that i could get away from them. Once they leave she comes back there and says, "I knew it was a good idea hiring you." "I knew that the guys were gonna love you." She then proceeds to put me on the floor , to "attract customers". WTF, again WTF. Since when did Suncoast become a street corner. On the floor i got one phone number, and a guy who wanted to tattoo me. Now im not saying that im the shit or anything cause if you would have seen the guys you would know why they were hitting on me.
And i love 18Visions, so all the pervs in the mall can fuck off!
edit*// edited to say that the only thing me and Amy Lee have in common is black hair.
And mine is short.

edit*// edited to say that the only thing me and Amy Lee have in common is black hair.

i wish i could be as forward as those guys tho hah.
heh theyre still jerks tho
hmm im bored
its morning.
hahahahahaha now im thinking twice..
you are the best!