I JUST WANT TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bok
try a nice coffee instead... then switch to decaff later in the day ;0)
if i drank coffee that might work...
iam going to take new pics soon. hopefully i will look awesomely beautiful
So Today I learned how to tease my hair up high, saw an ex lover and I slightly missed that feeling I kinda still get when I hug him. I did my zumba class today and wanted to passout. the freaking room was 90 degrees and it was like 100 outside. but I got my exersie in . Im thinking of going back to yoga...
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i finally got how to change the size of my pics. Yay me. So i need some firends.
I'll be your friend!
Im bummed. I cant get my pics to resize. Does anyone one an easier way. im sunning of vista and i have no idea how to do it anymore! I would really like to get the full impact out of my sg account.