have you ever had one of them days that you wonder why did i even get up? yeah thats my day today. I want to be a red head. when my head grows back thats what im going to become a smoking hot red head. you think i can pull it off ?
red heads have always been a weakness for me. i'm sure you can pull it off smile
Dear world,
I think that I want a boyfirend again that im over just having hook ups. Problem is everyone here sucks. I havent had a bf in 2 years and for some reason it seem like i have no idea how to get back out there. that and i only date skinny white guys. that and im beginning to feel unattractive so im not...
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so im trying to write my essay and the dumb microsoft word decied that it didnt want to work. now im sitting here waiting for it to unfreeze. eh. so is there anyone near me that wants to hang out ?
i got an iphone for my new phone now i just have to wait for it for while. haha. I want sum one near me that is willing to be a pin up all the away through. I want to take pics in black and white of pin ups, eh i hate this small ass town.
dont you hate it when you want sex and you cant seem to get what you want. i miss just having someone that was always down for it but now i have to wait around for when someone feels like they want eh. this when having a boyfirend would come in handy. eh no anyone worth my time ? i wish i wasnt in this...
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You as a neighbor who comes over for more than just to borrow a cup of flour would also come in handy wink
here at the local high school they hold night classes.
i just put up the pics of my new tats. but man ill never get another one on my feet again.
i get my tats next week im excited. now i just wish i start work already. and teverytime they dont have the shoes i wanted for my bday weekend in stores any more they sold out tragic day. every time i talk to that boy i start missing him in all kinda ways. if i wasnt about to start work id be in colordo with...
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so i got the job right, but they wont let me have blonde and black hair. im bummed now what???? feet tattoos in two weeks i hope and neck one!
so im planing to cut my hair but its short so i have to work it. i think i should cut if im getting this new job so i dont look shabby, but i want color thats awesome. what to do. i did an interveiw and an adution today at the casino for card dealer. im so hoping that i remembered enough to pass the...
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I use Manic Panic. I keep it in for like an hour and a half so it doesnt fade quickly. For my entire head I used "bright black" Feria by Loriel. And it has this amazing blue tint in the sun, which was kind of unintentional. lol. As for your hair, you can stick to natural colors and still make it look awesome. I think you'd be super cute with a coon tail. Mainly because you can hide it easily if you want to. If you want to know how to do it shoot me a message. It's pretty easy. smile
You can kinda tell in this picture.... but obviously you wont want pink for your job. You can simply keep it blonde and black or blonde and red for a natural look.
hmm just sorta hanging. So has anyone had there feet tattooed? what did it feel like. im wanting to get cupcakes on my feet. might do that for my bday. i so need to make sure i dont lose this account. i need more friends.
I'm looking to get my chest tattooed in a couple weeks and I hear that really hurts as well. Don't know about the feet, but I like the way they look while wearing sandals... smile

Let's be friends!
i think they would look good in my zombie heels. but they kinda remins me of pin ups.
Im kinda of this of going blonde like really blonde but i dont know if i can pull it off. or if my hair could take it, hmmm * ponders*
Im starting to lose weight and im a lil worried that my boobs will go away. ive always had bigg boobs and wouldnt know what to do if they suddenly werent there. What your opinion on implants? If you have em were they worth it? why did you want them?
I wouldn't worry about loosing boobage with weight loss. You might loose volume but your boob to body ration might even make it look like your boobs have grown ;0). .

Be happy with who you are and what you have.