Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a long time.
At 6:30 am, Shawn, Ernie, and I got up and drove to Seal Beach, met up with Shawn's friends from his work then went to Lake Hughes to camp. It was amazingly fun. We got so wasted it wasn't even funny. (actually it was pretty funny) haha.
I had about 5 shots...
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At 6:30 am, Shawn, Ernie, and I got up and drove to Seal Beach, met up with Shawn's friends from his work then went to Lake Hughes to camp. It was amazingly fun. We got so wasted it wasn't even funny. (actually it was pretty funny) haha.
I had about 5 shots...
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try a pan and a half of jello shots, a fifth of absolut, shots of crown, shots of tequila and shots of lava... i puked for 4 hours and passed out and continued puking all over myself. needless to say i dont drink anymore.i think the only reason i didnt get alcohol poisoning was the fact i weighed like 250 lbs at the time
Wow. you are still on here!

Today's gonna be a long day. I've got class til 10:30, work from 11-6. then bowling tonight from 11-1 am. and tomorrow, i get to be up bright and early to work from 9-4! yay! *sarcasm*.
my head feels like it's literally gonna explode. it hurts so much. last night was one of the most restless nights i've had trying to sleep in a long...
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my head feels like it's literally gonna explode. it hurts so much. last night was one of the most restless nights i've had trying to sleep in a long...
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sounds exhausting. at least you've got bowling scheduled in there.
i think we need some out side of work hanging out. xo
I had ASL today...It was fun, we did a lot of reviewing, and then our teacher drops the bomb on us. Our final is on Thursday at 11:00. crap in a bucket. The last day of finals is on May 20th, wtf? But it's okay, bcuz I'm ready for it, I just have to study a little more tomorrow night and I'll be set. Although,...
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happy 420! I finally shot for SG it sucked.
for everyone who lives in orange county............................
where the hell did the rain come from!?!?
i wore friggin, sunglasses when i was on my way to work this morning. 15 minutes later i look outside, and it's pouring rain.
mmmm.....this calls for a lazy day.
where the hell did the rain come from!?!?
i wore friggin, sunglasses when i was on my way to work this morning. 15 minutes later i look outside, and it's pouring rain.
mmmm.....this calls for a lazy day.

Lazy days rule and it hailed here last night and woke me up...So don't feel like your the only one that got April fooled.

tell me about it. i left my friend's apartment get in my car and bam! pouring rain. i was so pissed. let's work together soon. xo
Okay, so Shawn and I both beat our high scores in bowling tonight. yay for us.
shawn's: 253
me: 144
i don't care, i did well tonight, compared to my other scores. hahaha....
other than that....i have no idea what to update. ha.
i hate girls who try to steal my man away from me. i really do.

shawn's: 253
me: 144
i don't care, i did well tonight, compared to my other scores. hahaha....
other than that....i have no idea what to update. ha.
i hate girls who try to steal my man away from me. i really do.
as you should
you would also kick my ass at bowling... but i'll getcha at beer pong.

today was a great day. Mass this morning was awesome, the band sounded great, we all got tons of compliments, saw people we haven't seen in a long time, and it was awesome. downright kick ass. no other words to explain it.
then tonight was cool, my family came over, i got to see my grandpa (opa). and we all had a major feast. heh....
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then tonight was cool, my family came over, i got to see my grandpa (opa). and we all had a major feast. heh....
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hope you kids had a happy easter!
Thanks for digging my pics.
I personally like this one more.

I personally like this one more.

It's Good Friday and I'm gonna be at church for the rest of the evening, playing for a mass. solemn.
right now, as i pass the time... i'm watching Insomnia. It's a movie with Al Pacino and Hilary Swank. Not bad for a murder mystery movie.
I am so pissed off at my boss at church. He fucked up my payroll. Again. I'm supposed to...
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right now, as i pass the time... i'm watching Insomnia. It's a movie with Al Pacino and Hilary Swank. Not bad for a murder mystery movie.
I am so pissed off at my boss at church. He fucked up my payroll. Again. I'm supposed to...
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85$? Ouch! 'Insomnia' is good. Wow Havent seen that in awile! My rents were at church earlier before I called them. Now they are having a awesome Easter dinner as I type this. Thats cool I enjoyed cheeseburgers.

yeah, pardon the phrase but, I would be raising hell is someone fucked up my paycheck.
It's Good Friday and I'm gonna be at church for the rest of the evening, playing for a mass. solemn.
right now, as i pass the time... i'm watching Insomnia. It's a movie with Al Pacino and Hilary Swank. Not bad for a murder mystery movie.
I am so pissed off at my boss at church. He fucked up my payroll. Again. I'm supposed to...
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right now, as i pass the time... i'm watching Insomnia. It's a movie with Al Pacino and Hilary Swank. Not bad for a murder mystery movie.
I am so pissed off at my boss at church. He fucked up my payroll. Again. I'm supposed to...
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When we're happy and when we're sad...but in love.
It's a curious thought, but it's only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.
So today I have no books to read before class. I'm kind of saddened, because I want to finish the LKH series. I guess I'll swing by work later today after ASL and pick up the newest one in the series. I think...
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So today I have no books to read before class. I'm kind of saddened, because I want to finish the LKH series. I guess I'll swing by work later today after ASL and pick up the newest one in the series. I think...
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You are a way better bowler than me.
beer pong is great... we get together once a year and have a big tournament. fun. always fun.

Shawn and I watched Reign of Fire last night. one of the best dragon movies i've ever seen. they make them look so damn realistic. matthew mccaunahey (sp?) and christian bale (from the newsies and american psycho) were in the movie too, so it made it kick ass.
this is a funny link....
Best Breakup Letter Ever
today is going to be a long day,...
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this is a funny link....
Best Breakup Letter Ever
today is going to be a long day,...
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Aww, no worries. I'll forgive you this time. 

that def is the best break up letter ever.
5 things that scare me:
* being alone for a long amount of time. I need to be surrounded by people, for some odd reason. i can't be stuck in my house for hours alone, i feel empty and shut out.
*love scares me. not so much the happy parts of love, but the sad and threatening parts of love. like, "what if this happened?"....
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* being alone for a long amount of time. I need to be surrounded by people, for some odd reason. i can't be stuck in my house for hours alone, i feel empty and shut out.
*love scares me. not so much the happy parts of love, but the sad and threatening parts of love. like, "what if this happened?"....
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Thank you so much for the comment (I am trying)and how cute you are.

School is shitty=a big understatement.