so yeah the rain has finally stopped today, which was exciting even though it still wasn't the best out, but I got up looking forward to g ride my bike and was shut down cuz me and my buds couldn't figure out what we wanted to ride, plus it was really windy out. that makes 2 weeks now without shredding my bike, and thats upsetting. anyways got a sick Motorhead sticker for my bike.
Then tonight it was cold out, but me and Jenna made the best of it, we drove around looking into people's houses like creeps, went to a cemetery, looked at some spooky houses, nothing was open for us to get snacks, I told her ghost stories while she drove, and we came home and tried to look for some ghost kind of shows on tv since its almost halloween, but didn't find anything, I have no clue why I like ghost stuff so much and going to really old graveyards at night and abandoned places, its just fun for me, plus my partner in crime loves it to, even though she gets scared sometimes, but thats part of the thrill I guess, anyways that was my night for all it was worth, and I had fun. Cant wait to go to Salem next weekend to check out some spooky things like the witch museum, the graveyards, gallows hill, hopefully the pirate museum as well, basically bask in all Salem has to offer. Yeah thats all I have to say, so check ya'll!!
Then tonight it was cold out, but me and Jenna made the best of it, we drove around looking into people's houses like creeps, went to a cemetery, looked at some spooky houses, nothing was open for us to get snacks, I told her ghost stories while she drove, and we came home and tried to look for some ghost kind of shows on tv since its almost halloween, but didn't find anything, I have no clue why I like ghost stuff so much and going to really old graveyards at night and abandoned places, its just fun for me, plus my partner in crime loves it to, even though she gets scared sometimes, but thats part of the thrill I guess, anyways that was my night for all it was worth, and I had fun. Cant wait to go to Salem next weekend to check out some spooky things like the witch museum, the graveyards, gallows hill, hopefully the pirate museum as well, basically bask in all Salem has to offer. Yeah thats all I have to say, so check ya'll!!

you're awesome.
having a fucking awesome day with you baby!