basically I just watched another episode of Ghost Hunters on the sci-fi channel, I Love that show, im just so intrigued by paranormal shit, haunted houses, abandoned buildings, graveyards, its just so awesome! anyways after that me and jenna watched the new Amittyville Horror, it wasn't too bad, some creepy parts, just kept hearing noises in the house which made is scarier, cuz everyone was sleeping, me and jenna both heard the front door shut when we both checked it a little before that, then we both heard footsteps, so kinda spooky, and other than that I just worked all day.

yeah, man, did you notice as little as I actually have to say of substance, I can ramble forver about stupid bullshit!!??!

friday: a shitty friend. i miss you too. maybe someday we will all be together again in some mystical land..who nows. hows the job goin?