eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, im havin major major crisis. im almost sure i wanna quit uni but yet im still in mental turmoil. i wish i knew what to do for the best. i am in so much debt and my heart just isnt in it anymore. i do kinda enjoy the course but i just dont think i wanna do it full time. iv been thinkin of gettin a fulltime job after xmas and payin to take night classes in different things. i need variety and less pressure otherwise i just cant carry on. i can t cope with the amount of work and how much of my time the course demands. there are so many other things id love to do, like learn hairdressing and other types of art, but none of which i would wanna study full time. im pretty sure im only on this course now cause i feel like i have to do a full time degree else im lettin ppl down, my mom tho is surprisingly behind me on this, she said she can see how much pressure im under and im just not enjoying life anymore. i sit and cry all night sometimes cause i cant cope. im pretty sure this is the right thing to do. i just hope to god ppl can understand and will stick by me. iv made soem really good mates already at uni and i def dont wanna lose them. i hope they dont forget meand im still always one of the first ppl they ask to go out with them. i think thats the thing that scares me the most, the thought that i might be missing out or be left out of anything. not really a good basis to stay tho is it
hope you're alright