thought for the day.....
i wonder how long it takes for someone to develop assholeness? i wonder if there is a course offered by the center for assholes. do they regulary check their asses to see if they have enough shit piled into their bums and if they do are they given an A for effort. i cant wait to start an enema school where i will hire people to shove wired brushed up peoples assholes and let the shit go. whewph what a relief they will feel when they see their head crowning from their asses!
i wonder how long it takes for someone to develop assholeness? i wonder if there is a course offered by the center for assholes. do they regulary check their asses to see if they have enough shit piled into their bums and if they do are they given an A for effort. i cant wait to start an enema school where i will hire people to shove wired brushed up peoples assholes and let the shit go. whewph what a relief they will feel when they see their head crowning from their asses!
hahahha someone beat you to the enema thing... find a resort on a search engine called 'koh samui' in thaliand... its an 7 day fasting/enema camp.. where you cant eat but they make you shit all day... I really want ot go apparently it cures your allergies..