so yeah, my short secret was shorter than what I expected...I will never understand women!!! I really try, I swear!
Anyway, today is a shitty day, its raining, I got nothin to do at work and its very boring, my only motivation was to see the brazilian girl I was dating but she just told me she didnt wanna a relationship and didnt want to date me again...
Then I just realised I am bankrupt again and I just got paid 3 days ago! My ex called me on the phone to see if I could gave her back the 200€ I owed her! I pay so much fuckin money here that Im thinkin I wanna leave the country soon....and US is a big cake for me!!! So whatch out hotties!
I will try applying for a job position in PETA, I think they are in Norfolk.
Apart from that, I am just goin to roll a spliff, listen to story of the year and cook some hummus for tonite!
I would love a hug and a soft kiss right now....

Anyway, today is a shitty day, its raining, I got nothin to do at work and its very boring, my only motivation was to see the brazilian girl I was dating but she just told me she didnt wanna a relationship and didnt want to date me again...

I will try applying for a job position in PETA, I think they are in Norfolk.
Apart from that, I am just goin to roll a spliff, listen to story of the year and cook some hummus for tonite!
I would love a hug and a soft kiss right now....

wish i was there to smoke with you and contemplate the meaning of money.... er... life... whatever.... just smoking with you would be nice... .. and i have an extra room if ya wanna visit!!..