Ok, so I quit my job. If ya wanna know why, I have only one word for you....DRAMA. My daughter, Katie, started school this year so the only kid left at home is my 3 year old, Michael. I figured it was probably time for me to stay home and take care of him. He's dealing with some minor seperation anxiety right now. Poor baby. He's never been away from his big sister before and he does not know what to do. So, I'm gonna hang out with him for a while. I wanna try to get him into some kind of play group or something so he can have some interaction with other kids. So far though, I haven't been able to find anything. I just feel so bad for him. Katie goes to school all day long and goes to ballet on Fridays and he gets to do nothing! If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears!

Your kids look cute.
Glad you have Katie in ballet, that should be really cool for her.
Sounds like havin' Michael interact w/ a group is a good idea.
It's great that you have the opportunity to hang out with him.
Good luck to you!