Nearly one month since my last update...
I'm finally in holliday!!! Yeaaaah, goooood mooood...
Many things to do during this free time....
Work photography...
I need a flashmet, but it's another expensive thing...argh...
I'm finally in holliday!!! Yeaaaah, goooood mooood...
Many things to do during this free time....
Work photography...
I need a flashmet, but it's another expensive thing...argh...
Thanks to Fragil for her hand and her smoke!
Don't be angry cuttie, you're beautiful when you smile!
Go and support her ! HERE NOW!
Essylt, girl of the shadow...
My stupid cat : She called "Grimbergen" , and she's really stupid!!!
Guess what is that kind of thing...
No it's not an alien...
Have good holidays!!!
Xooooossssss, photographic padawan....(P-mod) is MY Yoda...
May the force be with you....
Comme d'hab, des photos toujours aussi cool.
a ne serait que justice !