News from trollface,
Buzy at work, hope to take a break soon, impossible...
Here are recent pics of tattoo work on me, thanks to my cuty pest!
And a very big thank to Dan "monster tatoo", you rock dude!!!
Buzy at work, hope to take a break soon, impossible...
Here are recent pics of tattoo work on me, thanks to my cuty pest!
And a very big thank to Dan "monster tatoo", you rock dude!!!
Hope to make a new piercing soon!
Big Big day for me this monday, important photoday!
Kisses, have a good week!
Xoss avoir bon argument commercial
Xoss dire "hey fifille, Xoss avoir 10 cm de plus que la moyenne"
ne t'inquite pas, je suis gourmande, mais je sais manger avec parcimonie