Today I got to listen to my mom bitch non-stop... about what? She's had her entire life handed to her on a silver platter and still has it in her to torture her children, who I'm convinced she only had for the three servants they could become and eighteen years of fawning attention. Shes insane... I wonder how she manages to spew so much shit without drowning in it all. More so, why I still have to play the obedient little child when around her. But I have to hand it to her, she is cunning in her persuasive deceit; I swear this woman could sell a christmas tree to a jew... I think maybe I just feel sorry for her, even if the pitiful state of her life is her own doing. I can't imagine being nearly sixty and having nothing at all to show for it, let alone the ability to support even myself. I vow to die with some sense of accomplishment and fulfillment if only to prove I will never contain the charachteristics I loath. Then again, maybe she's accomplished all she ever hoped for, a lifetime of insincerity, deception and complete dependency.
i know what you are talking about, my mother is the same way. Almost exact. But what can we really do about it except complain on your SG journals... le sigh.