so, in postive retrospect of any type of this is a new year type of thing; i want to be better this year. simple as that, it applies to everything in my life. more positive, more active, more healthy, more careful, more everything. do it. just do it. stop lazing, stop staling. why not. the only thing i have to lose is letting myself down again. ahah, but really, that's all a new year is about. it's not about the traditional resolution, it's just just make yourself an excuse to stop making excuses.
anywho. in a negative note, my neighbors upstaires, i hate them. to put it plainly. they play loud music above my room. the rest of the house is quiet, except my room. you know, the room where i relax. where i sleep, where i knit, and watch movies... yeah the room that should be devoid of obnoxious delivery because when i lay my ass down, i should be able to relax. why the fuck else did i paint the walls in cool colors. motherfucker.
im so very not cool these days. my stress level is an all time high, and i really hate comfortably saying so to the public. 2012 was garbage. i don't know what happened good. i made a lot of mistakes ,and all i hope is to learn from them. if it was earlier, id honestly, probably go to yoga.
anywho. in a negative note, my neighbors upstaires, i hate them. to put it plainly. they play loud music above my room. the rest of the house is quiet, except my room. you know, the room where i relax. where i sleep, where i knit, and watch movies... yeah the room that should be devoid of obnoxious delivery because when i lay my ass down, i should be able to relax. why the fuck else did i paint the walls in cool colors. motherfucker.
im so very not cool these days. my stress level is an all time high, and i really hate comfortably saying so to the public. 2012 was garbage. i don't know what happened good. i made a lot of mistakes ,and all i hope is to learn from them. if it was earlier, id honestly, probably go to yoga.
You learn from mistakes it can only get better!
it's true, thanks!