Keeping the peace between two dogs is keeping me busy.
The tally so far has been:
1 accident
1 run away scare
Various scuffles/growls
1 attempt at play
Lots of naps (for the dogs)
1 middle of the night need to go outside
I would say that things are going smoothly, all things considered.
We need to start working with some basic commands. It is hard when the dog isn't really that interested in treats.
The tally so far has been:
1 accident
1 run away scare
Various scuffles/growls
1 attempt at play
Lots of naps (for the dogs)
1 middle of the night need to go outside
I would say that things are going smoothly, all things considered.
We need to start working with some basic commands. It is hard when the dog isn't really that interested in treats.
I'd imagine that is similar to a woman trying to control a man with sex who is entirely disinterested in sex?
Only one middle of the night need to go outside? My dogs somehow trained themselves to think that 2am is the ideal time to wake me up to go out.