"He frowns all day long, and even when he is home, he is still in a bad mood. He makes over $800 a week, and yet is still broke. And has nothing to show for it. He makes a mean pasta sauce and his meat balls are like heaven. He is probably the most handsome man I have ever met. His love of hardcore makes me find him very sexy. And with his shaved head, and chin hair, he looks tough. He would make a great singer in a hardcore band. BUT I HAVE NEVER HEARD HIM SING. He needs to cheer the fuck up because shit is not that bad. And I love him with all my heart, and would die if he were not here with me. He should really quit smoking because it is killing him. He should come lay down because I am going to cry."
Shit really isn't that bad so cheer the fuck up and quit finding the bad in everything!
Shit really isn't that bad so cheer the fuck up and quit finding the bad in everything!

Now that it off my chest.............
I love you.
I miss you
I would die without you.
(Except the Hellfest weekend. I will not die then.)